Some people are lucky enough to be born
with a good sense of direction and even if they have only visited a place once,
they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate
people who have an extremely poor sense of direction and I may have visited a
place time after time, but I still manage to get lost on my way there. When I was a teenager, I was so shy that I never dared ask complete strangers the way and so I used to wander round in circles and hope that some miraculous (奇迹的) chance would bring me to the spot I was heading for. A lot of people do not like to admit that they do not know their hometown and will insist on telling you the way even if they do not know it; others, who are anxious to prove that they know their home town very well, will give you a long list of directions which you cannot possibly A. help B. avoid meeting C. recognize D. do any business [多选题] "下列关于合肥地铁列车说法正确的是( ) 。
A. 轴重是14t B. 轮辋宽度135mm C. 齿轮箱传动比是7. 132 D. 新轮直径840mm" [单项选择]世界上第一台计算机使用的电子器件是()。
A. 真空电子管 B. 晶体管 C. 小规模集成电路 D. 中规模集成电路 [简答题]带扭转减震器的从动盘,从动盘与从动盘毂通过什么方式连接?
[单选题]下列关于最大需量表说法正确的是( )
A.最大需量表只用于大工业用户 B.最大需量表用于两部制电价用户 C. 最大需量表按其结构分为区间式和滑差式 D.最大需量表计算的单位为kWh [单项选择]在上海大观园内,登大观楼可观赏怡红院、潇湘馆、蘅芜院;同样,登怡红院、潇湘馆、蘅芜院也可观赏大观楼,这种构景手法称( )。
A. 对景 B. 障景 C. 借景 D. 添景 [多选题]道岔尖轨尖处轨距的作业验收的容许偏差管理值为()mm。
A.﹢1 B.﹣1 C.﹢2 D.﹣2 [单选题]调度自动化主站机房的交流供电电源要求采用( )供电。
A.一路电源 B.两路来自不同电源点 C.两路来自同一电源点 D.支路电源 [单选题]单选题:无论采取哪种消防泵远程启动方式,( )上的“远程/就地”转换开关必须处于远程状态。
A.FAS报警主机多线控制面板 B.FAS报警主机总线控制面板 C.FAS消防联动 D.消防泵控制柜面板 [多项选择]铰链四杆机构中具有死点的机构是()
A. 双曲柄机构 B. 曲柄连杆机构 C. 双摇杆机构 D. 曲柄滑块机构 我来回答: 提交