Fifty volunteers were alphabetically
divided into two equal groups, Group A to participate in a 7 week exercise
program, and Group B to avoid deliberate (故意的,蓄意的) exercise of any sort during
those 7 weeks. On the day before the exercise program began, all 50 men
participated in a step-test. This consisted of stepping up and down on a 16-inch
bench at 30 steps a minute for 5 minutes. One minute after completion of the
step-test, file pulse rate of each subject was taken and recorded. This served
as the pretest for tile experiment. For the next 7 weeks, subjects in the
experimental group (Group A) rode an Exercycle (a motor-driven bicycle-type
exercise machine) for 15 minutes each day. The exercise schedule called for
riders to ride relaxed during the first day’s ride, merely holding on to the
handle bars and foot pedals as tile A. most people do not get enough exercise B. a high pulse rate is desirable C. regular exercise can strengthen your heart D. everyone should exercise 15 minutes a day [单项选择]“运费”栏应填:
A. 1000 B. 502/1000/2 C. 502/1OOO/3 D. 此栏为空 [判断题]在可逆反应中,当反应达到平衡时,正反应和逆反应都停止了。
A.片磷状的铁锈 B.褐色的铁锈 C.颗粒状的铁锈 D.黄色的浮锈 [判断题]操纵具有功率自动调节控制功能的和谐型机车运行在困难区段出现空转时,及时将调速手柄退到适当级位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我们的军队是人民军队,我们的国防是全民国防。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](5)
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [单选题]血浆晶体渗透压主要由下列哪种物质形成的()
A.无机盐 B.球蛋白 C.白蛋白 D.纤维蛋白 E.血细胞 [判断题]根据《安全生产法》,生产经营单位的特种作业人员必须按照国家有关规定经专门的安全作业培训,取得相应资格,方可上岗作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]低血压休克的患者尿少的原因之一是()
A. 肾小球滤过率降低 B. 水利尿 C. 渗透利尿 D. 尿崩症 E. 囊内压升高 [单选题]______在无人机任务规划中的作用是显示无人机的飞行位置、画出飞行航迹、标识规划 点以及显示规划航迹等。
A.电子地图 B.地理位置 C.飞行航迹 [单选题]电焊工使用的防护面罩,应()。
A.耐燃、不导电、不导热 B.耐燃、导电 C.耐燃、不导电但导热 [单项选择]临床实验室测定血清总胆固醇的常规方法为()
A. 硫酸葡聚糖-镁沉淀法 B. GPO-PAP法 C. CHOD-PAP法 D. 二氯甲烷/硅酸/变色酸法 E. 高效液相层析法 [判断题]生产过程中生产或使用的有毒物质称为生产性毒物。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何留取尿液样本?
A.座位和方向 B.年龄 C.身份地位 D.着装 [单选题]断路器热稳定电流是指在( )时间内,各部件所能承受的热效应所对应的最大短路电流有效值。
A.A、0.5秒; B.B、1秒; C.C、5秒; [单选题]下列选项说法正确的是( )。
A.外因在一定条件下能够改变事物发展的进程 B.通过假象不能认识事物的本质 C.没有否定也可以有发展 D.宠物狗可以通过意识了解主人想让它做什么 [单项选择]YS14切丝机刀辊体开启角度是()。
A. 30° B. 40° C. 50° D. 60° [判断题]驾乘人员意外险保险金额分为意外伤害保险金额、意外伤害医疗保险金额
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]按照新时代党的建设总要求,把党建设成为()朝气蓬勃的马克思主义执政党。
A. 始终走在时代前列 B. 人民衷心拥护 C. 勇于自我革命 D. 经得起各种风浪考验 [判断题] 交流变频空调器的压缩机一般采用三相感应异步交流电动机。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]期货交易所是为期货交易服务的、非盈利性的会员组织。它是专门供交易者买卖期货合约的一个有效组织、有秩序、受法律保护和制约的交易场所。
[多选题]以下属于税基侵蚀和利润转移项目成果的有( )。
A.《强制披露规则》 B.《消除混合错配安排的影响》 C.《防止税收协定优惠的不当授予》 D.《关于数字经济面临的税收挑战的报告》 [单项选择]
M: Every time I come to the gym, you are here exercising. A. She doesn’t like to exercise. B. She goes to the gym as often as possible. C. She hasn’t had a chance to go to the gym lately. [判断题]羟考酮的代谢产物主要经过肾脏排泄。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
(93~95题共用题干) 女性,48岁。5年来渐进性劳累后心悸.气短, 1年来加重,曾有夜间憋醒,需坐起后缓解,既往有关节痛史。检查后发现心脏扩大,可闻及杂音,胸片显示如下 按NYHA分级,该患者目前的心功能应是()A. Ⅰ级 B. Ⅱ级 C. Ⅲ级 D. Ⅳ级 [单项选择]财务公司流动性比例不得低于()。
A. 10% B. 25% C. 30% D. 45% [单选题]代维资源配置范围包括:办公场所、( ) 、车辆、油机、工具、仪表等维护工作开展所需的必备资源 B.人员 C.接地电阻测试仪 [填空题]网络病毒的来源通常有哪些渠道: 、 。
[填空题]Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your note.
What handshake mean In one’s own country, 1. In some cultures, people —shake hands —bows to each other — (1) 2. In overseas country, in the first, students were sometimes (2) about the customs. Ⅱ. 1. Not shaking hands in Australia means (3) in them 2. A limp or weak handshake by a man may be (4) in some cultures. 3. A crash hand shake in Australia is a aggressiveness and a (5) 4. Half handshake by man can mean that you have (6) 5. How long Long handshake means (7) 6. What to do with your eyes — You should look at the other person (8) — Looking side way se [判断题]法维莱制动机从控机车重联塞门打到重联位,大闸、小闸均被隔离,大闸仅在紧急制动位起作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交