1955年9月,美国洛杉矶发生烟雾事件,持续1周多的时间,气温高达37.8℃,烟雾呈淡蓝色,2天内造成了400多名65岁以上的老人死亡。 |
People who are hit by lightning and
survive often have long-term effects. These may include memory loss, sleep
disorders, muscle pain and depression. Experts tell people to {{U}} (1) {{/U}} the safety of a building or a hard-top vehicle {{U}} (2) {{/U}} they hear thunder, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} it is not {{U}} (4) {{/U}}. They say lightning can {{U}} (5) {{/U}} as far as sixteen kilometers from any rainfall. Lightning can {{U}} (6) {{/U}} sideways. And at least ten percent of lightning happens {{U}} (7) {{/U}} any clouds overhead that you can see. People who are {{U}} (8) {{/U}} should {{U}} (9) {{/U}} there are not the {{U}} (10) {{/U}} thing around. Bend {{U}} (11) {{/U}} to the ground, but do not {{U}} (12) {{/U}}. And do not stand {{U}} (13) {{/U}} a tree or any tall object. {{U}} (14) {{/U}} water and anything {{U}} ( A. low B. high C. up D. above [单选题]( )承担着对大学生进行系统的马克思主义理论教育的任务。
A.思想政治理论课 B.课程思政 C.思政课程 D.德语课程 [单项选择]
Idaho Department of Public Health 74 Eagle Boulevard, Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 544-2138 www.state.id/dph.us Advisory on Blue Mountain Mite Infestation Random tests conducted on potato fields by the Idaho State Agriculture Department have revealed the presence of the Blue Mountain mite in southern Idaho. Though short of a warning, we are advising all those living in those areas to be aware of the possible spread of these harmful arachnids. The Blue Mountain mite inhabits sandy soil. In addition to causing damage to potato crops, this mite has been known to cause illness in humans. The Blue Mountain mite is nearly impossible to notice, especially as its light brown skin blends easily with that of the soil. It is mildly venomous. All those working in or near farms or handling agriculture products in the above-mentioned areas should take proper precautions. Where mite infestation is noticed, property o A. His potato crop recently failed. B. He has been bitten by field pests. C. His son has suffered pest bites. D. Government officials tested his land. [多选题]交流电的三要素是指( )。
A.最大值 B.频率 C.初相角 D.切向值 [判断题]确认机车车辆全部出清分路不良的轨道区段前,严禁操纵该进路上的有关道岔及与其有联锁关系的其他道岔,并不得解除分路不良区段道岔的单独锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]劳务分包企业建设工程项目施工人员200人以上的,应当根据所承担的分部分项工程施工危险实际情况增配,并不少于企业总人数的( )‰。
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 [单选题]新生儿胆红素代谢特点是
A.胆红素生成过少 B.肠道吸收胆红素较少 C.肝脏酶系统发育不完善 D.肝细胞Y、Z蛋白含量多 E.肝细胞摄取胆红素能力强 [单选题]小儿每日进行日光浴的时间是()
A.20~30分钟 B.30~40分钟 C.40~60分钟 D.60分钟以上 E.15小时以上 [单项选择]为了支持不同的辅助存储器以及与早期的操作系统相兼容,Windows 98可支持多种文件系统。在下列文件系统中,Windows 2000/XP支持但Windows 98不支持的是
A) CDFS B) NTFS C) FAT32 D) FAT12 [单选题]IBP盘上扶梯紧挺功能的按钮是()样式的。
A.带灯自复式按钮 B.不带灯自复式按钮 C.带灯自锁式按钮 D.不带灯自锁式按钮 [单选题]更换380B受电弓升弓气囊的作业时间为()分钟
A.50 B.30 C.60 D.40 [多选题]牵引供电SCADA系统的监控对象为铁路牵引供电设备,其监控范围包括“___ 、___ 、___ ”和接触网开关。“___”
A.牵引变电所 B.分区所 C.AT所 D.绝缘锚段关节 [单项选择]风寒表证兼有湿邪者,可选用下列哪种祛风湿药
A. 五加皮 B. 独活 C. 防风 D. 桑寄生 [多选题]3.268. 第268题
“低保”或“五保”免费用电基数返还业务办理时,注意事项有( ) A.“低保户”是以“户”为单位,即一个证上可以有多个自然人 B.“五保户”是以“人”为单位,即一个证上有一个自然人。两者均为民政部门核定和发证 C.一户低保户只能对应登记一个身份证及用电户号信息。同一家庭内的五保户,只能登记一个身份证及用电 户号信息,享受一次免费用电基数返还 D.“低保”或“五保”户提出变更用电户号申请,需向供电公司重新申请,重新填写《免费用电基数返还申 请单》 [单项选择]根据Scheie分类法,前房角窄角的分级中窄Ⅱ是指仅见()
A. 部分睫状体带 B. 巩膜突 C. 前部小梁网 D. Schwalbe线 [判断题]发票网上分发时,单击想要分发的发票,然后在“待分发发票信息”框中输入想分发的份数,不能超过剩余份数,分发份数可以为零。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在“三步走”发展战略中,邓小平把()作为我国社会主义现代化建设的两个阶段性标志。
A.小康水平 B.中等发达国家发展水平 C.解决温饱问题 D.人均收入800美元 [单项选择]枕左前位胎头娩出后,复位时()
A. 呈顺时针旋转45° B. 呈顺时针旋转90° C. 向前向中线旋转45° D. 呈逆时针旋转90° E. 向左旋转45° [单项选择]有关活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)测定,正确的是 ()
A. 富含血小板血浆用于测定 B. 以脑磷脂激活FXⅡ C. 可用硅藻土替代血小板磷脂 D. 血浆与APTT试剂反应后加入钙离子 E. 用EDTA抗凝血浆进行检测 我来回答: 提交