M: Hi, Mary. How’ s everything
W: Fine. You know, John, I’ m planning to go to Las Vegas for a holiday and would like to stay in a large hotel. Anything to recommend
M: Er! The Hilton Hotel. There is quite a large one. It has 3,174 bedrooms. It also has 12 restaurants and about 125,000 square feet of convention space. There’ re a 10-acre recreation deck and a stage show dining hall. Over 3,600 people now work for it.
W: Oh, great! Is it the largest hotel in the U. S.
M: Yes, it is. But it may not be the largest in the world. Er! As far as I know, the Hotel Rossiya in Moscow is larger than Hilton. It is a 12-story building that has 3,200 rooms. It can provide accommodation for 6,000 guests. Besides, there’ s a 21-story "Presidential Tower" in the central courtyard. It has 15 restaurants and 93 elevators. And it employs a bout 3,000 people. The ballroom is known as the world’ s largest. Russians are not allowed
A variety of significant, attractive
short-term benefits will drive the development of modern self-sufficient homes.
These include security from severe weather, climate changes, and natural
disasters; security from infectious diseases and related health problems; a
fresh and nutritious diet; a dependable food supply; and security from global
unrest. But the real benefit of Earth Homes will be the long-term sustainability of our planet. It should be no secret that the planet is experiencing unusual weather and climate abnormalities. The 10 hottest years in recorded history have all been in the last 15 years; the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. The Midwestern heat wave of 1995 killed 669 people in Chicago. In 1996, we had a season of record heat spells, and 1997 was the single wan nest year on record--until 1998 shattered glob A. The Midwestern. B. The southern United States. C. Walt Disney World’s water parks. D. Insurance Companies. [多选题]各单位每月对本单位触碰安全红线问题的情况进行分析,及时、准确地掌握( )的数量、分布、特点等方面情况,采取针对性措施,减少“三违”特别是安全红线问题发生。
A.严重违章人员 B.惯性违章人员 C.偶发性违章人员 D.无违章人员 [填空题]国家安全监管总局制定了《企业安全生产责任体系五落实五到位规定》。规定指出必须落实安全管理力量。依法设置( ),配齐配强( )等专业安全管理人员。
[判断题]作业配合人员负责作业过程中需配合的设备功能验证或现场设备确认工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列说法错误的是()。
A. 在设计准备阶段,通过对投资目标的风险分析、项目功能与使用要求的分析和确定,编制建设项目的投资规划 B. 在工程设计阶段,以投资规划控制方案设计阶段和初步设计阶段的设计工作,编制设计概算 C. 在工程设计阶段,以投资规划控制方案设计阶段和初步设计阶段的设计工作,编制设计预算 D. 在工程施工阶段,以投资规划、施工图预算和工程承包合同价格等控制工程施工阶段的工作,编制资金使用计划 [单选题]1给患者输血的目的是补充( )
A.凝血因子 B.血红蛋白 C.血小板 D.抗体 E.血容量 [判断题]中央处理单元(CPU)是PLC控制器的控制中枢
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]排水固结法适用何种地基?
A. 粘性土 B. 膨胀土 C. 黄土 D. 淤泥和淤泥质土 E. 冲填土 F. 饱水粉细砂 [单选题]门机制动器工作机构的液力推杆制动器在工作时的推杆上升行程应通过调节螺杆达到该制动器额定行程的( ),以获得较平稳的性能,同时弹簧的压缩量亦不宜过大,以达到安全停车为准,起升机构制动器的推杆调节行程40mm,变幅的为30mm。
A.二分之一 B.三分之二 C.三分之一 D.四分之三 [单选题](177291)属于离心泵完好标准的具体要求是( )。(1.0分)
A.其能力达到铭牌能力的90%以上 B.轴封无泄漏 C.安全护罩完好 D.没有设备资料没关系 我来回答: 提交