Making good coffee is not a simple
business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade. A hillside is best--but it
mustn’t be too (1) . After three years, the bushes will start
to (2) bright-red coffee "cherries", which are picked,
processed to (3) the inner part, and spread out to dry for
days, (4) on concrete. They are (5)
again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months.
Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed (6) the stuff
that dreams are suppressed with. In Mexico and parts of Central America, (7) in Colombia, most coffee farmers are smallholders. They found it especially hard to (8) the recent fall in the coffee price. The (9) of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to (10) their crop, says Fernando Celis. The fall fo A. revealed B. retracted C. retained D. reshaped [单选题]系列防水卷材中,温度稳定性最差的是()。2013年
A.沥青防水卷材 B.聚氯乙烯防水卷材 C.高聚物防水卷材 D.高分子防水卷材 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,发现旅客遗失物品妥善保管,设法归还失主,无法归还时( )处理。
A.交站公安部门 B.交列车乘警 C.编制客运记录交站 D.编制客运记录交站 [判断题]简支梁的温度跨度是按固定支座到相邻墩台间的距离计算的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]基坑与基坑工程的区别在于基坑是一个地面以下的操作空间,而基坑工程是为了这个空间的安全和周边环境的安全所采取的一系列措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]太阳的质量占太阳系总质量的百分比是()
A. 0.9786 B. 0.9886 C. 0.9986 D. 0.9988 [多选题]下列有关关联交易的说法,正确的有( )。
A.与单一法人客户相比,集团法人客户信用风险具有内部关联交易频繁的特征 B.横向多元化集团内部的关联交易主要是集团内部企业之间存在的大量资产重组、并购、资金往来以及债务重组 C.集团法人客户内部进行关联交易的基本动机之一是实现整个集团公司的统一管理和控制 D.国家控制的企业间因为彼此同受国家控制而成为关联方 E.纵向一体化集团内部的关联交易主要集中在上游企业为下游企业提供半成品作为原材料,以及下游企业再将产成品提供给销售公司销售 [单选题]一位来访者要求心理治疗师帮助她做出决定,是否该与其男友分手,但心理治疗师并没有满足其要求,这是因为
A.没有这方面的经验 B.保持客观中立 C.出于对来访者的尊重 D.要帮助来访者自立 E.还没有考虑成熟 [单项选择]Lowbrows are quite ______ to let highbrows have their symphonies and their Russian novels.
A. content B. contained C. capacity D. yearning [多选题] 神华号HXD1型交流机车模拟量输入输出模块AXM具备( )功能
A.数据处理 B.输入信号采集 C.保护动作 D.控制信号输出 [填空题]
Animation means making things which are lifeless come live and
62. ______ .
move. Since earliest times, people have always been fascinated by movement. And not until this century have we managed to capture 63. ______ . movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to reinterpret it 64. ______ . and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector. In the world of cartoon animation, everything is impossible. You can 65. ______ . make the characters you create do exactly that you want them to do. 66. ______ . A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created Pat 67. ______ . Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twenties. Felix was a marvelous cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat can do as 68. ______ . taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back. The famous Walt Disney ca [多项选择]脚手架在封顶时,必须按安全操作要求做到()。
A. 平屋顶高出女儿墙1m B. 坡屋顶超过檐口1.5m C. 里排立杆必须低于檐口底15—20cm D. 绑扎两道护身栏杆,一道180mm高的挡脚板 E. 可不挂安全网 [单项选择]下列关于政权组织形式与国体关系的表述,不正确的是()
A. 政权组织形式与国体之间是形式与内容的关系 B. 任何国体均有与之相适应的政权组织形式 C. 国体从属于政权组织形式 D. 只有借助于政权组织形式,国体才能外化出来 [简答题]电动机的工作状态有哪四种?
[单选题]下列( )车辆不准进入易燃物品仓库或堆料场装卸作业。
A.汽车吊 B.装载机 C.货车 D.拖拉机 [单选题]砍伐通道上和清理作业场所的树、竹时,应控制其倾倒方向,不得多人在同一处砍伐或者安全距离不足的相邻处砍伐。树、竹倾倒的安全距离应为其高度的()倍。
A.1 B.1.2 C.1.5 D.2 [单选题]用硫酸铝作混凝剂时,水温对混凝剂效果有很大影响。其最佳水温为( )℃。
A.20~25 B.25~30 C.30~40 D.l0~20 我来回答: 提交