There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those (21) seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of (22) computers under the tree. (23) that computers are their key to success, parents are also frantically insisting that children (24) taught to use them on school— as early as possible.
The problem for schools is that when it (25) computers, parents don’t always know best. Many schools are (26) parental impatience and are purchasing hardware without (27) educational planning so they can say,"OK, we’vr moved into the computer age. "Teachers (28) themselves caught in the middle of the problem — between parent pressure and (29) educational decisions.
Educators do not even agree (30) how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for compu
A. High
B. Not every
C. No
D. Any
{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstances. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in a school, eli A. Wearing uniforms has both advantages and disadvantages. B. Wearing uniforms should be promoted strongly. C. Wearing uniforms will destroy economy. D. Wearing uniforms have many negative effects. [单项选择]给婴幼儿调配奶粉前,月嫂首先应()
A. 洗净双手 B. 洗净衣服 C. 洗净头发 D. 洗净面部 [判断题]减压塔顶油水分离罐应在启动蒸汽喷射器后才给上水封。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于发动机过热/火警环路说法正确的是:
A.当探测电门放至NORM位时,A环路为现用环路,B环路不工作,做为备用环路 B.当探测电门放至NORM位时,A环路为现用环路,B环路提供对比信号 C. 当探测电门放至NORM位时,A,B环路随机选为现用环路 D.当探测电门放至NORM位时,A,B环路同时工作,没有优先级. [填空题]股份有限公司中,股东行使各项权力时,均以其( )为标准计算。
[单选题]10kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆正常运行时导体最高允许温度为( )。
A.A.30℃ B.B.50℃ C.C.70℃ D.D.90℃ [单项选择]国际志愿者年是()。
A. 2004 B. 2003 C. 2002 D. 2001 [单项选择]酒精会加重吸烟对人体的危害,其作用机理,下列不正确的是()。
A. 酒精损害了肝脏的解毒能力 B. 酒精导致血管扩张,促使毒素扩散 C. 酒精本身有致癌作用 D. 酒精能溶解烟雾中的有害物质 [多选题]50.普萘洛尔适用于高血压伴( )
A. 心绞痛 B. 快速型心律失常 C.脑血管疾病 D. 偏头痛 E. 甲亢 [多选题]当事人提供书证原件确有困难的,可以提供与原件核对无误的( )
A.复印件 B.照片 C.节录本 D.复制件 [判断题]在移动减速信号牌上,应注明规定的慢行速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电力通信工作票由电力通信运维单位(部门)签发,也可由经电力通信运维单位(部门)()的检修单位签发。
A.授权 B.审查批复 C.审核批准 D.审批合格 [单选题]疏水器按照排除冷凝水的方式可分为( )。
A.间歇排出式和压出式 B.自动排出式和压出式 C.间歇排出式和自动排出式 D.间歇排出式和连续排出式 [单选题]《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》中,下列选项中哪一项不是财政收入执收单位及其工作人员有违反国家财政收入上缴规定的行为的,应责令改正,调整有关会计账目,收缴应当上缴的财政收入,限期退还违法所得的行的?
A.坐支应当上缴的财政收入 B.对资产计提折旧错误 C.不依照规定的财政收入预算级次、预算科目入库 D.违反规定退付国库库款或者财政专户资金 [单选题]作战训练安全工作的指导思想是什么?( )
A.荣誉至上 B.生命至上 C.安全至上 D.训练至上 [单选题]中队(站)各室(库),物品放置应当整齐有序,室内只准张贴(悬挂)( )以上单位应当统一本级机关的办公室 设置。
A.部局 B.总队 C.支队 D.中队 [简答题]炉热的处理方法是什么?
[单项选择]人体中常量的元素是 ()
A. 锌 B. 铁 C. 铅 D. 镁 E. 硒 [填空题]邮发报刊零售扩大加发,是由发报刊局所在地的零售公司,直接向报刊社填写(),通知印数。
A. 人员素质 B. 投机风险 C. 汇率风险 D. 市场风险 [判断题]温度应力式无缝线路,绝缘接头轨缝不得小于4 mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在人,平静呼吸时,肺扩张反射不参与呼吸调节。在肺充血、肺水肿等病理情况下,由于肺顺应性降低,使肺牵张感受器发放冲动增加而引起该反射,使得
A.肺通气量增加 B.气体交换增多 C.肺泡无效腔减少 D.呼吸变浅、变快 E.呼吸加深、变慢 [单项选择]使用计数调整型一次正常抽样方案(125,1),对批量n=1000的产品批进行验收。若样本中的不合格品数d=2,则______。
A. 不接收该批产品 B. 再抽一个样本进行判断 C. 再使用加严检验对该批产品判定 D. 改用二次抽样方案对该批进行判断 [单项选择]12月19日,()外交大臣布伦德对中国进行访问,两国就双边关系正常化发表声明。此举标志着()就未来如何处理对华关系做出明确重要承诺的基础上,两国关系重归正轨。
A. 瑞典 B. 瑞士 C. 挪威 D. 土耳其 [判断题]消防控制室门的上方应设标志牌或标志灯。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对病毒性肝炎的临床分型最有意义的依据是
A.病程的长短 B.病情的轻重 C.血清转氨酶检查 D.病原学检查 E.肝穿刺活检 我来回答: 提交