In 1993, New York State ordered stores
to charge a deposit on beverage (饮料) containers. Within a year, consumers had
returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of
companies were eager to accept the aluminum and glass as raw materials for new
products, but because few could figure out what to do with the plastic, much of
it wound up buried in landfills (垃圾填埋场). The problem was not limited to New
York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second-hand plastic. Today, one out of five plastic soda bottles is recycled(回收利用)in the United States. The reason for the change is that now there are dozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts, paint brushes, etc. As the New York experience shows, recycling involves more than simply separating valuable materials f A. to sell them at a profitable price B. how to turn them into useful things C. how to reduce their recycling costs D. to lower the prices for used materials [不定项选择题]A.水利尿
A.渗透性利尿 B.尿崩症 C.尿失禁 D.延髓受损 E.一次饮用大量清水导致尿量增多称 [单选题]《客运班组台账资料管理办法》规定,哪个( )台账是普速旅客列车办公席应配备的。
A.客运乘务工作日志 B.油垢清理记录 C.防火巡查记录 D.行李运输密度表 [简答题]《技规》规定哪些情况禁止办理相对方向同时接车和同方向同时发接列车?
A. 1 B. 5 C. 15 D. 30 [简答题]使用热电偶补偿导线时应该注意什么问题?
[单选题]下列不属于银行形象定位手段的是( )。
A.经营观念 B.外观建筑 C.专用字体 D.产品名称 [单项选择]One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ______ for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.
A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facility [单项选择]正在建造的建筑物、集体建设用地使用权及其地上建筑物抵押的,抵押率最高不超过()。
A. 30% B. 50% C. 60% D. 40% 我来回答: 提交