The conception of God and nature and of
the relation of man to both provided the 18th- century philosophers with their
faith in the worth and dignity of the individual man and the efficacy of human
reason. The 18th century was the moment in history when men experienced the
first flush and freshness of the idea that man is master of his own fate; the
moment in history, also, when this emancipating idea, not yet brought to the
harsh test of experience, could be accepted with unclouded optimism. Never had the nature seemed less mysterious, more simply constructed, more open and visible and eager to yield its secrets to common-sense questions. Never had the nature of man seemed less perverse, or the intelligence and will of men more pliable (yielding) to rational persuasion. Never had social and political evils seemed so wholly the result of ignorance an A. the background of God coming to the earth B. an account of nature appearing on the earth C. what the 18th-century philosophers found D. the relations between the 17th-century people and God [单选题]单选题 Le5A2234
438421用户受电端的供电质量应当符合()标准。 A.国家标准或者省级 B.省级标准或者电力行业 C.国家标准或者电力行业 D.省级 [判断题]电子签名人,是指基于对电子签名认证证书或者电子签名的信赖从事有关活动的人。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]药典的定义是什么?哪年版《中国药典》开始将药典分为第一、第二、第三部?
A.交通工具、小型摊位 B.独立搭建小棚子 C.露天堆垛、垃圾站(箱) D.草坪 [多选题]列车牵引手柄的制动级位有( )
A.B7 B.B2 C.B1 D.RB [简答题]•0119005311
[填空题]疑似预防接种异常反应经过调查诊断分析,按发生原因分成以下五种类型:( )、( )、( )、( )、( )
[判断题]在维修作业中,同一台发动机的各缸活塞可以互换。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]向井内下入套管,并向井眼和套管之间的环形空间注入水泥的施工作业称之为()
A. 注水泥 B. 下套管 C. 固井 [判断题]当APM在运行发生火情时,应听从APM随车工作人员指挥,通过紧急走道按照指定线路逃生。如车上无工作人员,我们应通过紧急通话装置实现向中控室呼救,在中控的指导下,拉开车辆门逃生。上述说法是否正确?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]班组管理的基本环节是( )。
A.领导决策组织协调 B.目标设定执行计划检查评估提升 C.计划组织协调监督控制 D.调查策划实施评估答案 [单选题]脑出血最常见的出血血管是
A.小脑的齿状核动脉 B.基底动脉的旁正中动脉 C.大脑中动脉的豆纹动脉 D.脉络膜前动脉 E.前交通动脉 我来回答: 提交