Text 3 Quite apart from any awkwardness in the way he handled the hostile bid by rival Oracle for the firm he was running, Craig Conway seems to have been an unpopular CEO of PeopleSoft, a large enterprise-software company. Three managers who reported directly to him were apparently close to resigning in frustration, and the board was unhappy about "mis-statements" he made to analysts. So even though there was no "smoking gun", as the board put it, Mr. Conway was fired on October 1st and replaced by the firm’s founder, David Duffield. Mr. Duffield’s brief is now to address Mr. Conway’s perceived shortcomings and his obsession with fending off the $ 7.7 billion takeover bid from Oracle. At the same time, says Paul Hamerman of Forrester, a research firm, Mr. Conway offered no compelling technological vision for PeopleSoft, and seemed deaf to "quite a noise level of customer complaints". Mr. Conway’s firing prompted much s
A. tactfully handled oracle's hostile bid.
B. induced the resign of his three managers.
C. ignored customers' grievances.
D. is technologically illiterate.
What do we mean (21)
a perfect English pronunciation In one sense there are as many
different kinds of English as there arc speakers of it. (22)
two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear
differences (23) them, and the pronunciation of English
varies a great deal in different geographical (24) . How do
we decide what sort of English to use (25) a model This is
not a question that can be (26) in the same way for all
foreign learners of English. When you live in a part of the world like India or
West Africa, (27) there is a long (28) of
speaking English A. to B. for C. from D. of [单选题]十一届三中全会以后,我国城市经济体制改革的最初环节是( )
A.强调在管理上的宏观调控 B.建立社会主义市场经济体制 C.发展以公有制为主体的多种所有制经济 D.逐步扩大企业自主权 [单项选择]大玻璃箱对太阳能热水器的作用主要是______。
A. 增大吸热 B. 保温 C. 美观 D. 加固 [单项选择]道路客运服务的“三优”是指优质服务、优美环境和()。
A. 优秀品牌 B. 优良秩序 C. 优化组合 D. 优异绩效 [单选题]对驼峰及调车场线路溜放纵断面复测,每( )不少于一次。
A.一年 B.二年 C.五年 D.十年 [单选题]目前,前列腺增生手术治疗的首选方法是( )。
A.耻骨上经膀胱前列腺切除术 B.经尿道前列腺切除术 C.耻骨后前列腺切除术 D.耻骨上膀胱穿刺造瘘术 E.腹腔镜前列腺切除术 [单选题] 新增萍乡北~深圳北G2774/1 G2772/3次,经沪昆、京港高速线运行,南昌局集团公司担当,萍乡北至赣州西由( )值乘,与广州机务段在赣州西站跨局轮乘。
A.动车一车间 B.动车二车间 [单项选择]重力式挡土墙上应设置泄水孔及反滤层,下列()不是设置的目的。()
A. 使泄水孔不被堵塞 B. 墙后土的细颗粒不被带走 C. 防止墙后产生静水压力 D. 防止墙后产生动水压力 [单选题]( )454.基坑排水的方法有()。
A.强制排水 B.人工排水 C. 自然排水 D.明排水、人工降低水位 [单项选择]下列各项中不符合“收入”定义的是()。
A. 销售商品取得的收入 B. 提供劳务取得的收入 C. 销售材料取得的收入 D. 取得的捐赠收入 [单项选择]
男,24岁,头痛、头晕1个月,高热、鼻出血1周,浅表淋巴结不大,肝可及边,脾未及,血象:红细胞1.8×1012/L,白细胞3.5×109/L,血小板20×109/L:骨髓象:红系和粒系各阶段比例大致正常,但未见巨核细胞,最可能的诊断是() A. 阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿 B. 急性白血病 C. 再生障碍性贫血 D. 粒细胞减少 E. 败血症 [判断题]货物损失赔偿通知书下达后应及时送财务部门。财务部门接到“赔通”后,应在5个工作日内支付赔款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]环境煤气浓度24ppm至40ppm时,人员充许可连续工作的时间小于()。
A.长时间工作 B.1小时 C.30分钟 D.15-20分钟 [多选题]抽查评价的专家组应由()的专业人员组成。
A.经验丰富 B.技术过硬 C.工作严谨 D.认真负责 [单选题]摩尔定律主要是说集成电路的集成度每( )翻一番。
A.18个月 B.1年 C.3年 D.10年 [填空题]归档的电子文件数据格式应易于识读、( )。
[单选题]矿井总风量应确保井下同时工作的最多人数每分钟供风量不小于( )。
A.3m3 B.4m3 C.5m3 [判断题]扛旗要领:右手将旗扛于右肩,旗杆套稍高于肩,右臂伸直,右手掌心向下握旗杆,左手放下听到“齐步———走”的口令,开始行进()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党内监督的任务是( )。
A.确保党章党规党纪在全党有效执行,维护党的团结统一 B.重点解决党的领导弱化、党的建设缺失、全面从严治党不力,党的观念淡漠、组织涣散、纪律松弛,管党治党宽松软问题 C.保证党的组织充分履行职能、发挥核心作用,保证全体党员发挥先锋模范作用,保证党的领导干部忠诚干净担当 D.以上都是 我来回答: 提交