{{B}}Thirst for Oil{{/B}} Worldwide every day, we devour the energy equivalent of about 200 million barrels of oil. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. In fact enough energy from the Sun hits the planet’s surface each minute to cover our needs for an entire year, we just need to find an efficient way to use it. So far the energy in oil has been cheaper and easier to get at. But as supplies dwindle, this will change, and we will need to cure our addiction to oil. Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution, when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one quarter of our energy needs, but its use has been declining since we started pumping up oil. Coal is the least ef A. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. B. Oil supply is increasing all the time. C. Demand for oil is increasing all the time. D. Oil supply is decreasing. [单项选择]噪声主要对人体的()有直接危害。
A. 心血管系统 B. 消化系统 C. 呼吸系统 [多选题]若工作票所列的停电、接地等安全措施随工作地点转移,则每次转移均应分别履行工作许可、终结手续,依次记录在工作票上,并填写使用的接地线()等随工作地点转移情况。
A.型号 B.编号 C.装拆时间 D.位置 [单选题]为了强化烧结生产,选择熔剂最好使用( )。
A.生石灰 B.石灰石 C.白云石 [单选题]†年全国工业APP和信息消费大赛的主题是“( )”。
A.发展数字经济推动消费升级 B.聚智新生态赋能新经济 C.发展工业互联网探索制造新模式 D.拥抱数字新时代 [多项选择]湖南的副食品主要有 ( )
A. 湘潭灯芯糕 B. 凤凰姜糖 C. 浏阳茴饼 D. 靖州蜜饯 [单项选择]主要用于两层楼以上的车间和各类仓库等场合的仓库为( )电梯。
A. 病床 B. 载货 C. 住宅 D. 客货 [填空题]Next Monday is World Health Day, (47) by the World Health Organization. The objective chosen for this year is to get people (48) in the campaign to protect against the health (49) of climate change.
The World Health Organization is a United Nations agency. The WHO says there is already evidence of health problems (50) to climate change. It says more people are dying (51) extreme heat, and that diseases spread by insects are also on the rise. And it says climate change has (52) the risk of disasters, especially severe dry weather, wildfires, major storms and floods. Disasters like these can kill directly or indirectly. People can die or get sick from food (53) or conditions like the spread of disease. Several years ago, the WHO blamed climate change (54) two percent of diarrhea (腹泻) cases worldwide in the year two thousand. Last month, researchers in Canada (55) that t [单选题]按照《政府采购货物和服务招标投标管理办法》的规定,对政府采购项目投标和开标截止时间、投标和开标地点的修改应在{pz_填空}指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上发布更正公告。()
A.财政部门 B.预算部门 C.建设部门 D.监管部门 [单项选择]某投资项目于建设起点一次投入原始投资500万元,获利指数为1.25,则该项目净现值为( )万元。
A. 150 B. 125 C. 240 D. 530 [单项选择]某公司总裁咨询如何准确地定义公司应采用的管理方法,以下是有关的4条叙述:1.所有组织中采用相同的管理,包括组织、人事、指导和控制四种职能。2.要保持竞争力,我们必须致力于有效率的和有效果的使用资源,这是取得管理成功的关键因素。3.重要的是员工,要取得成功,我们必须确保他们能够得到适当的培训和激励,并保证沟通渠道的畅通。4.组织是复杂的、动态的和统一的有机体。我们必须认识这一点并建立相互合作的关系。哪个叙述反映了作业管理方法?()
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多选题]( )党委(党组)领导班子成员应当强化责任担当,狠抓责任落实,增强落实全面从严治党责任的自觉和能力,带头遵守执行全面从严治党各项规定,自觉接受党组织.( )和( )监督,在全面从严治党中发挥示范表率作用。
A.社会 B.党员 C.干部 D.群众 我来回答: 提交