Tomorrow evening about 20 million
Americans will be shown, on their television screens, how easy it is to steal
plutonium and produce "the most terrifying blackmail weapon ever devised"-a
home-made atomic bomb. They will be told that no commercial nuclear plant in the United States - and probably in the World-is adequately protected against a well planned armed attack by terrorists, and that there is enough information on public record to guide a nuclear thief not only to the vaults of nuclear plants where plutonium is stored, but also to tell him how the doors of those vaults are designed. The hour-long television programme, "The Plutonium Connection", makes its point by showing how a 20-year-old student of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in five weeks designed an atomic bomb composed of plutonium and parts f A. the plants are not properly safeguarded. B. the local police are not efficient enough. C. plutonium has been stolen before. D. they were badly designed [单选题]单机、自轮运转特种设备在自动闭塞区间紧急制动停车或被迫停在( )内后,司机须立即通知后续列车司机、向列车调度员(两端站)报告停车位置(具备移动条件时司机须先将机车移动不少于15m),并在轨道电路调谐区外使用短路铜线短接轨道电路。
A.岔线 B.站内 C.调谐区 D.段管线 [判断题]寒冷地区为防止涵洞内发生冻结,在冬季应用挡雪板挡小孔径涵洞的洞口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在层次网络体系结构中,第N层协议利用 (28) 提供的服务向 (29) 提供服务,称 (29) 是N服务的 (30) , (30) 是利用 (31) 通过 (32) 调用N层协议的服务的。
A. (N+1)层协议 B. N层协议 C. (N-1)层协议 D. 物理层 [简答题]元杂剧的演出结构?
A. 血友病甲 B. 血友病乙 C. 血友病丙 D. 血管性血友病 E. 以上均不是 [单项选择]
The other day, I was walking along the street.Suddenly I heard someone shouting my name.I stopped and looked around.A young man was running after me.It was Jim Brown.Ten years ago, Jim and I went to the same high school and then we studied at the same university.But we hadn’t met each other for three years since the graduation. We were so happy to see each other again.We decided to have lunch together, so we went into the nearest restaurant and sat at a table by the window.For three hours,we kept talking.We told each other stories about our lives and promised to keep in touch in the future.We really had a Very good time together that day. What can you learn from the story ( )A. Jim and he lost in touch since graduation from high school. B. Jim and he have known each other since high school days. C. Jim and he won’t keep in touch in the future. [判断题]商业银行营业收入主要包括资产收入和服务收入。()
[单选题]事故发生后,事故现场有关人员应当( )向本单位负责人报告。
A.立即 B.1小时内 C.2小时内 D.3小时内 [填空题]美国心理学家基尔福特提出了智力的______说,认为每一个智力因素都包括内容、______、产品三个维度的立方体。
A. 一年 B. 二年 C. 三年 D. 五年 [单选题]工作票应在()内以纸质或电子文档形式送达许可部门,由值班负责人接收并审核
A.工作开始前 B.提前一天 C.工作当天 D.规定时间 [单选题]下列民事行为中,公司的清算组织不能从事的是( )。
A.代表公司对外提供担保 B.代表公司参与民事诉讼 C.清缴公司所欠税款 D.通知债权人 [简答题]怎样办理股票的过户手续?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下面关于操作系统的叙述中,()是错误的.
A.操作系统是一种系统软件 B.操作系统是人机之间的接口 C.操作系统是数据库系统的子系统 D.不安装操作系统的PC机是无法使 [单选题]下列持续皮下胰岛素输注治疗(CSII)的适用人群,不正确的是:
A.1型糖尿病患者 B.计划受孕和已孕的糖尿病妇女 C.需要胰岛素强化治疗的2型糖尿病患者 D.2型糖尿病患者 [单选题]中国特色社会主义,是科学社会主理论逻辑和( )逻辑的辩证统一
A.中国科技发展历史 B.中国社会发展历史 C.中国经济发展历史 D.改革开放发展历史 [单选题]取心工具出井后,依次对号取出壁心并进行编号,清洁表面钻井液,取心数量、质量应满足( )。
A.现场描述及分析化验取样 B.甲方需求 C.地质需求 [多选题]某运维人员在巡视时发现运行中干式电抗器发现电抗器()表面异常过热、冒烟,应立即申请停用,停运前应远离设备
A.支持瓷瓶 B.接头 C.包封 D.线圈 [单选题]非运维人员用绝缘棒、核相器和电压互感器定相或用钳型电流表测量高压回路的电流的工作,应填用()工作票。
A.第一种 B.带电作业 C.第二种 D.二次工作安全措施 我来回答: 提交