Sleep is a funny thing. We’re taught
that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just
fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the
University of Buffalo last month reported that people who routinely sleep more
than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to
die of stroke — probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them
from snoozing (睡) soundly. Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents (住院医生) are famously sleep deprived. When I was training to become a neurosurgeon, it was not unusual to work 40 hours in a row without rest. Most of us took k in stride, confident we could still deliver the highest quality of medical care. Maybe we shouldn’t have been so sum of ourselves. An article in the Journal of t A. Pilots and truck drivers work in safer environments than that of doctors. B. Patients can choose the sleeping hours of their doctors. C. Patients are facing more risks if their doctors are not adequately-rested. D. People concerned have the right to remove their doctors from their positions. [判断题]环境保护部门所属环境监测机构从事环境监测的专业技术人员,应当进行专业技术培训,并经国家环境保护总局统一组织的环境监测岗位考试考核合格,方可上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]图所示为红外测温仪找热点或冷点的操作,操作过程中除了要将测温仪对准目标区域外,是否还要在目标上
A.是 B.否 [单项选择]应检查崩解时限的剂型是
A. 口服液 B. 软膏剂 C. 栓剂 D. 颗粒剂 E. 片剂 [单选题]下列哪1个酶与丙酮酸生成糖无关
A.果糖双磷酸酶-1 B.丙酮酸激酶 C.丙酮酸羧化酶 D.醛缩酶 E.磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶 [单项选择]()是指商户盗用他人淘宝账户或支付宝账户,涉嫌侵犯他人财产权的行为。
A. 发布禁售信息 B. 盗用他人账户 C. 骗取他人财物 D. 不正当谋利 [单选题]热病口渴,阴虚消渴宜选用( )。
A.淡豆豉 B.桑叶 C.薄荷 D.葛根 E.柴胡 [单选题] "某商业综合体建筑中庭高度为15m, 设置湿式自动喷水灭火系统。根据现行国家标准《自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范》(GB 50261).属于该中庭使用的喷头的进场检验内容是( )
" A. 标准覆盖面积洒水喷头的外观 B. 非仓库型特殊应用喷头的规格型号 C. 扩大覆盖面积洒水喷头的响应时间指数 D. 非仓库型特殊应用喷头的工作压力 [填空题] 抽水蓄能电站失火,主要是( )和( )着火,火情初起时多有烟雾产生,因此,主要在设有电气设备和油设备的场所设置( )。
[多项选择]( )可作为价值研究的选择对象。
A. 原材料消耗高、废品率高的产品 B. 成本低于同类产品、成本比重大的产品 C. 用户意见少、维修能力高的产品 D. 竞争力差、利润率高的产品 E. 市场上畅销但竞争激烈的产品 [单选题] 装设于( )的配电变压器应设有安全围栏,并悬挂“止步,高压危险!”等标示牌。
A.室外 B.室内 C.柱上 D.地面 [单选题]各年龄外周血白细胞分类结果是
A.中性粒细胞50%,淋巴细胞50% B.中性粒细胞65%,淋巴细胞35% C.中性粒细胞35%,淋巴细胞65% D.中性粒细胞80%,淋巴细胞20% E.10岁( ) [多项选择]根据《增值税暂行条例》的规定,下列各项中,应缴纳增值税的有( )。
A. 将自产的货物用于非应税项目 B. 将自产的货物用于投资 C. 将购买的货物用于捐赠 D. 将自建的厂房对外转让 我来回答: 提交