In January 2002, during the first weeks of a
six-month stay at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia (白血病)
treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of relaxation.
The{{U}} (36) {{/U}}first-grader watched a construction crew{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}on a 10-story addition to the hospital.{{U}} (38)
{{/U}}Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from the East
Falls section of Philadelphia,{{U}} (39) {{/U}},and saw "this kid with
no hair{{U}} (40) {{/U}}face was pressed up to the window. I waved, and
he smiled and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. I’ll never forget that," says Ritchie, a
father of three. As winter{{U}} (42) {{/U}}spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3000 tons of steel{{U}} (43) {{/U}} formed the skeleton of the building, one d A. cheered B. lighted C. called D. woke [判断题][T]A-A-001 3 1 3
批次补货适合一日内拣货数量比较稳定、紧急插单不多或是每批次拣取量大的情况。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某企业在某年10月份购入一台设备,11月10日投入使用,至次年8月5日停止使用,该设备应提取( )个月的固定资产折旧。
A. 10 B. 9 C. 8 D. 7 [判断题]装设拉线时,普通拉线与电杆的夹角一般为45°,受地形限制时不应小于30°。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调车长试验无线调车灯显设备时,应依次发出( )指令信号。
A.停车”、“起动”、“推进”、“十车”、“五车”、“三车”、“一车”、“连结” “减速”、“停车” B.停车”、“起动”、“推进”、“十车”、“五车”、“三车”、“一车”、“连结” “减速” C.“起动”、“推进”、“十车”、“五车”、“三车”、“一车”、“连结” “减速”、“停车” D.停车、起动、停车、推进、减速、停车 [单选题]混凝土梁梁体下缘竖向及腹板主拉应力方向最大裂缝宽度( )。
A.不允许 B.0.2mm C.0.3mm D.0.5mm [单选题]A2B2E2K2P3/NBC型有毒物质过滤罐上的绿色色带应用范围为( )。
A.二氧化硫 B.氨气 C.硫化氢 D.一氧化碳 [判断题]经济效益审计是现代审计区别于传统审计的主要标志之一。
[单选题]患者,男,67岁,因冠心病入院。在静脉输液过程中出现胸闷、呼吸困难、咳粉红色泡沫痰。此时,护士应为患者采取的卧位是( )
A.端坐位,双腿下垂 B.去枕仰卧位 C.休克卧位 D.左侧卧位 E.头高足低卧位 难易程度:易 [单项选择]工程建设标准根据属性不同的分类不包括( )。
A. 管理标准 B. 财务标准 C. 技术标准 D. 工作标准 [单项选择] Questions 22~25 are based on a conversation at the airport.What’s the airport like
A. A hotel. B. A market. C. A madhouse. D. A hospital. [单选题]姚某旅游途中,前往某玉石市场参观,在唐某经营的摊位上拿起一只翡翠手镯,经唐某同意后试戴,并问价。唐某报价18万元(实际进货价8万元,市价9万元),姚某感觉价格太高,急忙取下,不慎将手镯摔断。关于姚某的赔偿责任,下列哪一选项是正确的?
A.应承担违约责任 B.应赔偿唐某8万元损失 C.应赔偿唐某9万元损失 D.应赔偿唐某18万元损失 [单选题]关于《建筑工程方案设计招标投标管理办法》(建市[2008]63号)的下列说法,表述不正确的是()
A.该办法是由住房与城乡建设部于2008年制定的 B.该办法适用于我国境内建筑工程方案设计招标投标及其管理活动 C. 该办法没有对建筑工程方案设计招标的具体类型进行明确的区分 D. 该办法对建筑工程方案设计招标的条件、资格预审办法、招标文件内容等内容进行了详细的规定 [单选题]计算机网络最突出的优点是( )(易)(基础知识)
A.共享软、硬件资源 B.运算速度快 C.可以互相通信 D.内存容量大 [判断题]Y44盐池标高365cm,码头测量水位点测量水位为165cm,采深要求是195cm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]敞车装载的超出端侧板货物的装载状态,在途中不交接检查。
[单选题]( ) 对于代理他人汇款的,单笔交易金额(),业务受理岗除须在《个人结算业务申请凭证》“代理人栏”内填写姓名、联系电话、证件名称、证件号码外,请注意还需补填写代理人证件到期日,并确保系统录入信息与单据填写内容的一致性。
A.达到或超过人民币1.万元或者外币等值100.0.美元的,且未达到人民币5.万元或者外币等值1.万美元的 B.达到或超过人民币5.万元或者外币等值100.0.美元的,且未达到人民币10.万元或者外币等值5.万美元的 C.达到或超过人民币10.万元或者外币等值100.0.美元的,且未达到人民币100.万元或者外币等值10.万美元的 D.以上选项都错误 [单项选择]这一套百科全书,内容涉及各个领域、各门学科,真是______,丰富多彩。 填入划横线部分恰当的措辞是( )。
A. 洋洋大观 B. 蔚为大观 C. 汗牛充栋 D. 包罗万象 [单选题]In a big decision,the Supreme Court overturned a 1992 federal law that had effectively banned all states except Nevada from legalizing sports betting.The court had no opinion about sports gambling itself.11 merely reasserted a constitutional restraint on federal power over the states.So before states rush to permit,regulate,and tax sports betting,they may want to first weigh the original reasons behind the now-defunct ban.The big reason given back then by Congress was to maintain sports as a public display of talent,effort,and teamwork-the very opposite of a belief in chance.The integrity of athletes lies in their ability to master the circumstances of a game.In sports,unforeseen circumstances are not considered luck but rather a challenge to test the skills of athletes.Sports should not be sullied by the false hopes of quick riches by gamblers pining for a"lucky break."Like society itself,sports rely on each person's desire to understand the causality of evenrs and make the best of them.Athletes know they cannot put faith in so-called fortune.Nor should governments.If states now boost sports betting by legatizing it,what message are they sending about athletics-in fact,about any physical or mental endeavor?According to Bill Bradley,a former NBA star and the then-senator who sponsored the 1992 law,placing bets on players makes them no better than roulette chips.Sports have a dignity thai defies those who want to see games turning on a twist of fate.Mr.Bradley also gives a second reason for governments not to push betting on sports.Should gambling be allowed on Little League games or middle-school athletics?Even New Jersey,which led the case against the 1992 act,did not want betting on its local teams.Up to now,most major professional sports leagues were opposed to lifting the federal ban.They feared athletes might throw a game or simply rig a play at the request of gambling agencies,as is often the case in many parts of the world.If games were seen as gamed,fans might flee.Now after this ruling,however,leagues might be tempted by the possibility they could get what is misnamed an"integrity fee,"or a percentage of gambling revenues from each game.States,too,appear tempted to gain tax revenue from sports gambling-although they should first look at how little Nevada has actually gainecl from sports betting in comparison to other types of gambling.The uncertainties of legalized,regulated sports gambling in the United States are very high.But one certainty remains:Sports must remain pure in their purpose as a contest of what athletes give in a game,not what betting can take from them.
Bill Bradley meniioned New Jersey in particular in order to
A.argue against the pusli to expand sports betting. B.stress the need for tougher regulation on youth sports. C.explain the importance to protect local sports teams. D.reveal the hidden flaws in the state's sports laws. [单选题]承载铁路综合视频系统的网络传输质量应满足网络时延不大于ms。
A.100 B.200 C.400 D.800 [多选题]在( )时,可以检阅队伍。
A.重大节日 B.组织重要活动 C.一般活动 D.以上都是 [单项选择]《温病条辨》是哪位医家的著作()
A. 王孟英 B. 吴又可 C. 吴鞠通 D. 叶天士 E. 刘完素 [多项选择]某旅客已定妥10月14日(星期二)从汉城(SEL)到上海的MU5052航班的C舱座位,当日0940到过上海。旅客计划在上海停留天并于10月16日继续前往巴黎。