[听力原文]11-15 Canadians and Americans usually tip in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons because many people who work in these places get low salaries. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with the service. At airports, porters usually get a dollar tip for each bag. Hotel boys get a dollar for carrying one or two suitcases. Many people also tip hotel room attendants, especially when they stay in a hotel for several days. They usually leave a dollar each day. The usual tip for other kinds of services--for example, for taxi drivers, barbers, hairdressers, waiters and waitresses--is 10% of the bill. The size of the tip depends on how pleased the customer is. In most restaurants, the check does not include a service charge. There is no tipping in coffee houses or fast-food restaurants.
In what places is there no need for a tip
In coffee houses or()
In order to understand, however
imperfectly, what is meant by "face", we must take (1) of the
fact that, as a race, the Chinese have a strongly (2)
instinct. The theatre may almost be said to be the only national
amusement, and the Chinese have for theatricals a (3) like
that of the Englishman (4) athletics, or the Spaniard for
bull-fights. Upon very slight provocation, any Chinese regards himself in the
(5) of an actor in a drama. He throws himself into theatrical
attitudes, performs the salaam, falls upon his knees, prostrates himself and
strikes his head upon the earth, (6) circumstances which to
an Occidental seem to make such actions superfluous, (7) to
say ridiculous. A Chinese t A. mistakes B. stories C. form D. structure [单项选择]A: Let's meet again some time early next week and see what each of us comes up with.
B: ______. [单选题] "( )对本行政区域内的消防工作实施监督管理,并由( )负责实施。
A.县级以上地方人民政府应急管理部门,本级人民政府消防救援机构 B.县级以上地方人民政府,本级人民政府应急管理部门 C.县级以上地方人民政府,本级人民政府消防救援机构 D.县级以上地方人民政府应急管理部门,本级人民政府消防救援机构和公安派出所 [多选题]大多数电池管理系统在以下情况下会需要使用动力电池组温度( )。
A.为了检测动力电池组冷却系统的温 度 B.为了检测单体电池的电压是否过高 C.为了检测单体电池的电压是否过低 D.为了检测动力电池组是否过热 [单项选择]All Americans are at least vaguely (31) with the plight of the American Indian. Cutbacks in federal programs for Indians have made their problems (32) more severe in recent years. Josephy reports, " (33) 1981 it was estimated that cutbacks in federal programs for Indians totaled about $ 500 million" or more than ten times the cuts affecting their (34) fellow Americans. Additional cuts seem to be threatened in the future. This reduced funding is affecting almost all (35) of reservation life, (36) education. If the Indians could (37) their (38) problems, solutions to many of their other problems might not be far behind. In this paper the current status of Indian education will be described and (39) and some ways of improving this education will be proposed.
Whether to (40) with the dominant American culture or to (41) Indian culture has been a longstanding issue in Indian education. Aft A. available B. reachable C. suitable D. eligible [简答题] 什么是软文推广?
A.质量检查 B.质量管理 C.质量控制 D.质量达标 [单项选择]段落结束另起一行应( )。
A. 回车 B. 编辑→换行 C. esl D. 光标移动键 [判断题]根据《招标投标法》的规定,招标人应当根据项目需要合理划分标段、确定工期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]IPv6地址一般分为以下两部分:
A.32位前缀和96位接口标识 B.64位前缀和64位接口标识 C.96位前缀和32位接口标识 D.前缀和接口长度标识任意 [判断题]列车网络控制权转移的过程中:原主控端拔出主控钥匙,原主节点降级为从节点,并控制网络继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不符合急性粟粒性肺结核的表现是()
A. 大量结核菌一次或短时间内数次侵入血循环,到达肺部所引起 B. 两肺从肺尖到肺底均匀分布,小点状阴影,约2mm大小 C. 病灶大小、密度基本相同,短期病灶可融合 D. 病灶边缘较清楚,如有渗出性反则较模糊 E. 1周内可出现典型的结节影 [多选题]在实际的教学过程中,主要有三种直观方式,即( )。
A.感性直观 B.实物直观 C.本质直观 D.模象直观 E.言语直观 [填空题]所谓286机、386机、486机是以()芯片性能划分的。
[判断题] 公安机关制作治安管理处罚决定书应当载明处罚的种类和依据、处罚的执行方式和期限。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]饭后 左右,以每小时4-8千米的速度散步 分钟,有利于减肥。填入划线处正确的一项()。
A.15,10 B.30,15 C.45,20 D.50,30 [单选题]《关于列车联网补票有关事项的通知》(运营客营电2015-800号),列车联网补票不可使用( )席别。
A.软卧 B.硬座(含无座) C.硬卧 D.高级软卧 [判断题]依据《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》中规定:低温压力容器接管与壳体之间接头设计可以不采用全焊透结构()
[多选题]出口托收业务项下,托收行职责范围内的业务是( )。
A.委托人确认终止该笔托收业务的,应要求客户出具情况说明后,在国际结算系统作托收闭卷操作 B.托收面函和该笔托收项下单据一并寄往付款人 C.收到代收行发来的拒付通知或拒绝承兑通知后,本行应及时通知委托人 D.对逾期未承兑或收汇的业务,应及时联系委托人,并向代收行进行查询或催收 我来回答: 提交