Betty and Harold have been married for
years. But one thing still puzzled (困扰) old Harold. How is it that he can leave
Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame,
come back three and a half hours later, and they’re still sitting on the sofa
Talking What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about Betty shrugs. Talk We’re friends. Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear: women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is "marked and unmistakable." More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who co A. Ending his marriage without good reason. B. Spending too much time with his friends. C. Complaining about his marriage trouble. D. Going out to ballgames too often. [判断题]在三相交流电相位的先后顺序中,其瞬时值按时间先后,从负值向正值变化经零值的依次顺序称负相序;正相序有三种形式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]持借记卡/活期结算账户查询信用卡自动还款加办次数,可受理此业务的网点范围是()。
A. 全国任一联网网点 B. 省内任一联网网点 C. 地市局任一联网网点 D. 储蓄账户开户局 [单项选择]一台三相反应式步进电动机,其转子齿数为40。若该电动机按三相六拍运行,并输入f=1 800Hz的脉冲信号,则该步进电动机的转速为( )。
A. 900r/min B. 450 r/min C. 45 r/min D. 7.5 r/min [判断题]银行承兑汇票保证金可用存单国债和银行承兑汇票等质押方式替代;
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]菠菜不仅含有大量的β胡萝卜素,也是维生素B、叶酸、铁和钾的极佳来源。但是菠菜不能直接烹调,吃菠菜时宜先用沸水烫软,捞出再炒。在烹调前用沸水烫菠菜的主要原因是()。
A. 清除生菠菜含有的红血球凝集素 B. 改变生菠菜内龙葵素的化学成分 C. 防止菠菜内的草酸成分阻碍人体对钙的吸收 D. 清除菠菜种植过程中残留的农药 [单选题]项目竣工验收批复完成后,工程建设部应在竣工验收完成后( )日内提出工程决算审计申请。
A. 10日 B. 15日 C. 28日 D. 60日 [判断题]有危险化学品的单位应当制定本单位危化品事故应急救援预案,但不需要配备应急救援人员和必要的应急救援器材设备,借助当地消防并定期组织演练就可以了。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an
H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 25.Which ofthe following would be the best title for the text?
A.We Desperately Need a Universal Vaccine B.Shortages ofVaccines Need Solving C.To Fully Prepared for a Worldwide Catastrophe D.Measures We Should Take to Deal With Influenza [判断题]工作终结是指工作票的终结,调度检修申请单的终结或书面形式布置和记录的终结。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]晶状体是眼屈光介质的重要部分,其屈光力大小为()
A. 18D B. 16D C. 及19D D. 15D E. 17D [单项选择]安全控制的主要对象是( )。
A. 危险因素 B. 危险源 C. 有害因素 D. 安全制度 [单项选择]女,64岁,因急性脑血管意外来诊,头颅CT检查提示脑出血,入院后4小时,出现呕吐咖啡样物,以下处理哪项不恰当()。
A. 胃管注入氢氧化铝凝胶 B. 半流质膳食 C. 20%甘露醇250ml静脉滴注q6h D. 一级护理 E. 胃管注入云南白药 [判断题]对于现场难以确定有关物品或者文件可否用以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪,需要进一步甄别和采取控制保全措施的,应当扣押。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 室内照明线路每一分路应( )。
A. 不超过 15 个灯头。 B. 不超过 25 个灯头。 C. 总容量不超过 5kW。 D. 总容量不超过 3kW。 [单选题]担当特殊物资运输作业任务的人员须保持高度警惕,严守国家机密,严格执行( )制度和纪律。
A.组织 B.规章 C.保密 D.国家 [单选题]业扩“项目包”用于全省范围内( )千伏及以下紧急业扩配套项目。
A.220 B.110 C.35 D.10 [单项选择]流脑应实行的隔离方式是 ()
A. 严密隔离 B. 消化道隔离 C. 体液隔离 D. 虫媒隔离 E. 呼吸道隔离 [单选题]在开井状态下,气体膨胀上升接近至()才会使井底压力明显降低。
A.套管鞋 B.井的中部 C.井口 D.任何位置 [多项选择]有哪些品牌能办理4G套餐:()
A. 全球通 B. 神州行 C. 动感地带 D. 和 [多选题]下列哪些不是手摇道岔需携带的相关工具()。
A.A、小铁铲、铁砂皮、钢丝刷、油刷 B.B、小油桶、抹布 C.C、反光背心、无线调度电台、手摇把 D.D、手电筒、绝缘靴 我来回答: 提交