You probably won’t be shocked to find out that the inventor of tire rubber is Charles Goodyear, as he’s the only guy on the list to actually get his name attached to the end product. (46) It wasn’t easy coming up with a form of rubber tough enough to withstand the drag racing and car chases everyone envisioned the day the automobile was invented. In fact, if there was one man who should have given up his life dream, it was Goodyear. (47)The man spent time in and out of prison, lost every friend he had and starved his children in his tireless pursuit of a stronger form of rubber.
(48) After his first two years of tinkering and failing with primitive rubber in the 1830s, Goodyear and his family were camping out in an abandoned factory and fishing for sustenance. This is when he made a huge breakthrough: He’d use acid to smooth out and toughen rubber! The government bought 150 mailbags made of the stuff and the rest is...
However important we may regard school
life to be there is no gainsaying the fact that children spend more time at home
than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be
ignored or discounted by the teachers. They can become strong allies of the
school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and thwart
curricular objectives. Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents apprised of the newer methods used in schools. Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading readiness program, manuscript writing, and developmental mathematics. Moreover, the classroom teacher, with the permission of the supervisors, can also play an important role in enlightening parents. Many interviews carried on during the year as well as new ways of repor A. professor of education B. elementary school teacher C. parent D. student [多选题]下列哪些可以申请公用登乘证( )。
A.站务1中心、2中心解行 B.工电中心接触网检查 C.车辆中心行车设备监控 D.副部长级及以上级别人员 [简答题]如何理解循环经济中3R原则的排列顺序?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]【问题5】
在Windows Server 2003操作系统中,域用户信息存储于 (9) 中。可以通过 (10) 配置DHCP服务器,该企业内部局域网DHCP服务器的IP地址是 (11) 。
(9) A.本地数据库 B.域控制器 C.SAM数据库 D.活动目录
(10) A.Active Directory B.服务器角色 C.IIS 6.0 D.代理服务器
[单选题]因时间来不及记明前述内容时,可在客运记录中简要记明日期、车次、下交原因,并必须在( )内向处理单位补交有关材料。
A.2日 B.3日 C.4日 D.5日 [判断题]铁路线路纵断面的组成要素是平道和坡道。()
A.A B.C C.S D.D [单选题]对属于严重违反集团公司规章制度或严重失职,营私舞弊,给集团公司造成重大损害的情形者,按《成都铁路局职工奖惩管理办法》和《关于修订<成都铁路局职工奖惩管理办法>部分条款的通知》(成铁劳卫〔2015〕609号)规定给予()处分,并依法解除劳动合同。
A.开除 B.记大过 C.撤职 D.免职 [简答题]进站色灯信号机显示一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光时,其显示含义是什么?J415
[单选题]客货共线铁路区间双线,列车行车速度120km/h<V≤160km/h,直线线间最小距离为( )mm
A.4200 B.4000 C.4400 D.4600 [判断题]伸缩缝的作用是解决圬工结构因基础不均匀沉落而发生的上下错动间题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在带电杆塔上进行测量、防腐、巡视检查、紧杆塔螺栓、清除杆塔上异物等工作,风力应小于()级。配电《安规》
A.6 B.5 C.4 D.3 [单选题]银行开办Ⅱ、Ⅲ类户业务,应当遵守( )规定和反洗钱客户身份资料保存制度要求,留存开户申请人身份证件的复印件、影印件或者影像等有条件的银行,可以通过视频或者人脸识别等安全有效的技术手段作为辅助核实个人身份信息的方式
A.储蓄管理办法 B.银行账户实名制 C.账户管理办法 D.反洗钱法 [单选题]客户成功进行证券转银行操作后,资金( )从客户证券资金账户转到合作行卡。
A.实时 B.T+1 C.T+2 D.T+3 [单选题]装配图的特殊表达方法有假想画法、零件的单独表示法、拆卸画法和( )
A.简化画法 B.复杂画法 C.假设画法 D.习惯画法 [单选题]设计概算是在()阶段编制的确定工程项目投资的文件。
A.方案设计 B.初步设计 C.技术设计 D.施工图设计 [简答题]砖砌体墙厚和砖柱的截面尺寸模数常见的有哪些?
[单项选择]以下程序的输出结果是 ( ) main( ) {int a=5,b=4,c=6,d; printf(”%d/n",d=a>b(a>ca:c):(b)); }
A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 不确定 [多选题]水土保持的含义包括( )。
A.自然水土流失的预防 B.自然水土流失的治理 C.人为水土流失的预防 D.人为水土流失的治理 我来回答: 提交