The chief claim to distinction of
Shoreditch lies in the fact that the first theaters of London were built there
in the seventeenth century. The Shoreditch Theater was the first real theater to be built in England and was erected within the precincts of Holywell Priory, where the players were outside the jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor, for stage plays were forbidden. Companies of players, however, were springing up all over the country, generally under the protection of some nobleman. Amongst these were the Earl of Leicester’s Servants, with James Burbage as their manager. Burbage borrowed - 600 from his father-in-law and built the Shoreditch Theater, a round wooden structure, which was afterwards carefully pulled down by his son Richard and re-erected in Southward as the Globe. Richard was the original creator of most of A. "capably". B. "carefully". C. "safely". D. "suitably". [填空题]蛇岛是我国著名自然保护区,以毒蛇众多而出名。请问:蛇岛上的毒蛇主要是()
[单选题]各机械车按规定顺序解体作业时,必须保持不小于10m的安全间距。各工作装置放下或收起必须准确到位;清筛车、配碴整形车在双线地段放下工作装置时,应和驻站联络员取得联系,确认临线无来车时方准放下;在线间距不足( )m的双线区段作业时,配碴整形车靠邻线一侧的犁板严禁作业。
A.4.1 B.4.2 C.4.4 D.5 [判断题]根据《放射性物品运输管理条例》规定,放射性物品的托运人应当制定核与辐射事故应急方案,在放射性物品运输中采取有效的辐射防护和安全保卫措施,并对放射性物品运输中的核与辐射安全负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在连续取样中监测在线取样系统,发现泄漏和隔热层故障,可等到取样结束再进行处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“酥油茶”是( )的茶俗。
A.维吾尔族 B.藏族 C.白族 D.彝族 [单选题] 火因调查资料的拍摄内容,不包括()。
A. 火灾现场全景 B. 火灾燃烧过程,燃烧部位及周围情况 C. 着火部位和着火点,着火源和与着火源密切相关的痕迹、物证 D. 火调人员勘查过程照片 [多项选择]项目建议书的主要作用有( )。
A. 为建设项目投资决策提供依据 B. 向国家推荐建设项目 C. 为建设项目设计提供依据 D. 论述拟建项目的建设必要性、可行性 E. 为建设项目实施提供依据 我来回答: 提交