Why has the kiwi survived while its
relatives the moas have become extinct One reason, I think, is that it has
adopted nocturnal(夜间活动的) habits. Kiwis are not normally about in the daytime.
During the daylight hours they lie up in hiding, where enemies have no hope of
finding them. Their coloration protects them; the strange drab(黄褐色的) feathering,
so unlike that of most birds, gives them a cloak(伪装)of invisibility while they
sleep. And when night falls, out they come to scratch in the ground and find
worms and feed to their hearts’ content. They couldn’t do that so effectively if they didn’t have another peculiarity that I have not mentioned yet. The nostrils(鼻孔) of most birds open high up near the base of the beak(猛禽的嘴), but the kiwi wears his nostrils right near the tip of the long bill. That’s good for a bird that feeds in th A. It has long legs but a short bill. B. Its nostrils axe at the base of the bill. C. Its sense of touch is in the tip of the bill. D. It uses its feet to pick up food. [多选题]工作负责人应具备的基本条件的有:( )
A.A.有本专业工作经验 B.B.熟悉工作范围内的设备情况 C.C.熟悉本规程 D.D.经工区(车间)批准的人员担任,名单应公布 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]对于大口径的调节阀,通常用改变执行机构作用方式来实现气开或气关。
[单选题]电力企业主要负责人未依法履行安全生产管理职责,导致事故发生的,由电力监管机构依照相关规定处以罚款;发生一般事故的,处其( )的罚款。
A.上一年年收入30% B.上一年年收入40% C.上一年年收入60% D.上一年年收入80% [多项选择]下列哪些法律规定可以作为旅游服务合同参照之用?()。
A. 租赁合同 B. 委托台同 C. 保管合同 D. 代理合同 [填空题] 国家实行生产安全事故责任追究制度,依照本法和有关法律、法规的规定,追究生产安全事故责任人员的( )。
[单选题]粮食仓库火灾的主要特点是( )。
A. 易引起爆燃,毁坏库房 B. 炭化阴燃,纵向蔓延 C. 疏散困难,损失巨大 D. 灭火作战时间长 [多项选择]革兰阴性败血症的特点哪些是正确的()
A. 双峰热,相对缓脉多见 B. 致病菌多从泌尿生殖道、肠道、胆道入侵 C. 迁徙病灶常见 D. 中毒性休克多 E. 皮疹常见 [名词解释]永冻温度状况
A. 30 B. 32 C. 34 D. 36 我来回答: 提交