{{B}}Text{{/B}} Senility refers to great losses of intellectual capacity that occurs in old age and is{{U}} (26) {{/U}}with the wide- spread loss of nerve cells and the{{U}} (27) {{/U}}of brain tissue. Senility is a great decline from a previous intellectual{{U}} (28) {{/U}}in an aging person. Memory is the mental capacity most 6ften affected. The memory loss may first show itself clearly in simple absentmindedness or a (n){{U}} (29) {{/U}}to forget or{{U}} (30) {{/U}}things and repeal oneself in conversation.{{U}} (31) {{/U}}the senility progresses, the loss of memory{{U}} (32) {{/U}}in scope until the patient can no longer remember basic social and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}skills or{{U}} (34) {{/U}}independently. There may also be declines in the person’s language skills, spatial or t A. intention B. tendency C. willingness D. behavior [单选题]>给水泵都布置在除氧水箱的标高下一定距离的位置,这是为了( )。
A.增加给水泵出口扬程 B.利于凝结水除氧 C.防止给水泵汽浊 D.布置方便 [判断题]车厂线路曲线加宽部分轨距为1435mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电视电话系统中“双流”指的是通过一个呼叫带宽实现视频、音频和数据的同步传送。让与会者在观看发言人图像听到发言人声音的同时观看到发言人计算机的活动图形,通过终端的输出端口显示出来。( )(中)(消防通信网络设备)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 带电作业工作票签发人应由具有带电作业资格和( )的人员担任。
A. 熟悉设备情况 B. 实践经验 C. 考试合格 D. 变电或线路第一种工作票签发人资格 [多选题]“三不离”原则是( )
A.检修完后不调试良好不离 B.发现设备有异状不查明原因不离 C.影响正常使用的设备未修复不离 D.客户未评价满意不离 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组三级修扫石器装置无()、变形等明显机械损伤,安装座变形无法修复时更换。
A.裂痕 B.划伤 C.磕碰伤 D.老化 [简答题]
(on die campus) A: Lovely day. isn’t it B: Yes. it’s much betler than yesterday. A: I hope it will last(持续)the whole week. B: I hopeso. too. Buttheweatheristerdbly changeable al thistime of thcyear. A: What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow B: The weatherman predicts (预告)rain tomorrow. A: Oh God!Tbatissobad. I just want tovisit oneofmyold friends tonmerrow. B: You can take an umbrella wkll you.
[单选题]发展社会主义先进文化、广泛凝聚人民精神力量,是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的( )
A.深厚支撑 B.内在要求 C.根本要求 D.深厚力量 [单项选择]CRH1的蓄电池系统由蓄电池组、充电机系统以及()干线组成。
A. 110V B. 220V C. 380V D. 400V [单项选择]借贷记账法是以( )为理论基础的。
A. 借贷记账符号 B. 资产与权益的平衡关系 C. 账户的平行登记 D. 试算平衡 [填空题]Internet是一种由()将大量网络互联而成的互联网。
[单选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍的干部、消防员依据行政职务和( ),构成首长与部属、上级与下级或者同级关系。
A.任职年数 B.消防救援衔级 C.兵龄 D.年龄 [填空题]根据古代文人描写月亮的诗句可以判断()。
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