In general, our society is becoming one
of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic (官僚主义) management in which man
becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher
wages. Well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and
"human-relations" experts: yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man
has be- come powerless, that he does not whole-heartedly participate in his work
and that he is bored with it. In fact the blue and the white collar workers have
become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and
bureaucratic management. The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find out job, they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life. They live and die without ever having confro A. they are likely to lose their jobs. B. they have no genuine satisfaction or interest in life C. they are faced with the fundamental realities of human existence D. they are deprived of the individuality and independence [判断题]垫圈折断或失去弹性要坚持使用,避免浪费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压力表的校验合格证上,应该标明压力表的()。
A.校验日期 B.出厂日期 C.下次校验日期 [多选题]银行员工日常生活中禁止参与以下活动()
A.经商办企业 B.大额举债 C.涉黄、涉赌、涉毒 D.买卖股票 [单选题]下列有关脑梗死的概念,叙述不正确的是: ( )
A.由脑部血液供应障碍,缺血、缺氧引起 B.广泛性脑组织病变 C.局限性脑组织病变 D.表现为缺血性坏死或脑软化 [单项选择]关于检验后标本保存原则,不正确的是()。
A. 保存时间视标本的稳定性而定 B. 保存温度以-20℃保存一周为宜 C. 保存方式应按日期存放 D. 保存期后按《医疗废物管理条例》处理 E. 检验后标本的保存主要是为了复查 [判断题]>常用的钢包底吹氩透气砖是采用耐高温金属材料制成的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对已上市药品改变剂型、改变给药途径、增加新适应证的药品注册按照哪项申请的程序申报
A.新药 B.仿制药 C.进口药品 D.再注册 E.医疗机构制剂 [简答题]
Generally, luck is something that happens to individuals. If a society or a century is considered as a whole, the random individual events that are set down to luck or fortune form more coherent overall patterns; large historical forces become discernible. But entire societies should not mock luck either. (46)The classic Mayan civilization disappeared so strangely, so unexpectedly, that some massive stroke of bad luck must have been at work--a sudden plague, say, a viral riot. [单项选择]
2007年谴界各地发生的自然灾害给人类带来了巨大的损失,造成死亡的人数达52000人,造成的经济损失达650亿美元。其中死亡人数最多的是:土耳其地震死亡19000人,EP度飓风死亡15000人,中国台北地震死亡2321人,哥伦比亚地震死亡1025人。其中经济损失最大的是:土耳其地震损失200亿美元;中国台北地震损失140亿美元,日本飓风损失30亿美元。 就自然灾害所造成的综合损失而言,除土耳其外最为严重的是()。A. 中国台北 B. 印度 C. 哥伦比 D. 无法确定 [判断题]售票员开班时,必须确认POS机处于正常工作状态,无需签到,直接使用即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《工伤保险条例》的规定,职士因工致残影响生活自理能力的,应当进行生活自理障碍等级鉴定,生活自理障碍分为( )个等级
A.10 B.8 C.5 D.3 [简答题]在液压系统中,当温度升高时,油液的粘度( ),因此温度能影响液压系统稳定性。
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