Crime has its own cycles(周期) ,a magazine reported some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime patterns. The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August as do other violent attacks. Murder, moreover is more than seasonal; it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime critne:62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.
Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, robbing has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p. m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. The month with least crimes of all May-except for one strange fact. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year. Apparently our seasonal cycles of knowledge are completely different from our tendencies for crimes. Professor
A. One is most likely to be murdered on Thursday.
B. Police officials believe in the results of the studies deeply.
C. It is very possible that robbery happens at 4 a. m. every day.
D. The studies show that high humidity is one of the reasons for high rate of crimes.
For many people today, reading is no
longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade
publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and
magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In (61) a job or
advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend (62)
can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is
that most of us are (63) readers. Most of us develop poor
reading (64) at an early age, and never get over them. The
main de A. reuse B. reread C. rewrite D. recite [单项选择]跳高、跳远易发生踝关节损伤、足跟挫伤或膝关节扭伤等。预防这类创伤的关键是()
A. 做好保护帮助 B. 充分的准备活动 C. 学会自救互救 D. 详细讲解动作要领 E. 做好安全防范 [单选题]以下关于“最小特权”安全管理原则理解正确的是:
A.组织机构内的敏感岗位不能由一个人长期负责 B.对重要的工作进行分解,分配给不同人员完成 C.一个人有且仅有其执行岗位所足够的许可和权限 D.防止员工由一个岗位变动到另一个岗位,累积越来越多的权限 [单选题]我国新一轮课程改革是在教育面临严峻挑战的形势下提出的,其背景说明最全面的是( )
A.知识经济时代提出的挑战 B.社会信息化时代提出的挑战 C.我国加入WTO面临的挑战 D.未来社会发展需要提出的挑战 [单选题]( )应具有较强的安全意识、相应的安全技能及必要的作业技能;清楚并掌握工作任务和内容、工作地点、危险点、存在的安全风险及应采取的控制措施。
A.工作班人员 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人 我来回答: 提交