[A] Storytellers from antiquity knew the power of star-crossed romance, and so did Audrey Niffenegger. Her 2003 best seller The Time Traveler’s Wife is so plangent a tale of fatal love, with two adorable people fighting to beat the odds against them.
[B] Henry, you see, has the gift or curse of time-traveling: disappearing from one temporal and spatial reality to pop up, naked, in another. This science-fiction trope will be familiar to fans of The Terminator, but Henry is no action-fantasy god. He’s just a guy whose body has a wanderlust he can’t harness. That’s why, as he tells the besotted Clare, "I never wanted anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. " Of course they’re destined to be each other’s one and only loves.
[C] My friend and neighbor, the filmmaker Alan Wade, has a provocative explanation for why Titanic struck such a strong and reverberant chord with hundreds of millions of moviegoers, esp
Mixing populism and celebrity, Clinton
dances into office with a week-long multimillion- dollar party full of stars,
saxophone music and presidential hugs. The Party was held in a way never seen since World War II. Many movie and music stars showed up, offering their wishes to a new administration. They sang songs like "You know, Bill’s gonna get this Country straight." "’ 93! You and me! Uni-tee! /Time to partee with Big Bill and Hillaree." The stars came out in constellation because they recognized in Clinton one of their own. Not just that, he plays the saxophone, a little. Or that Hillary is a smart, tough lawyer, like most Hollywood moguls. What matters is that Clinton is a beacon of middle-class charm, a lover of being loved, a believer in the importance of image, metaphor, style. And he is an ace manipulator of medi A. Money bills are important in getting things done for the United States B. The president has got to do a wonderful job to save America C. Clinton will change the United States to a free country D. Clinton is going to solve the problems of the United States [判断题]适宜探测厚度100mm以上钢试件γ源的是Co60,透宜探测厚度20mm以下钢试件的γ源是Ir192。
[单选题] "在建筑物外敷设燃气金属管道,当与其他金属管道平行敷设的净距小于0.1m时,每( )至少应采用金属导线将燃气管道与防雷网进行搭接。
A.20m B.30m C.40m D.50m" [单项选择]在气相色谱法中,死时间为1min,某组分的保留时间为5min,它的调整保留时间为()
A. 1min B. 2min C. 3min D. 4min E. 5min [单选题]修建性详细规划确需修改的,应当采取听证会等形式,听取( )的意见。
A.公众 B.专家 C.相关部门 D.利害关系人 [单项选择]患者,女,48岁。阵发性心前区疼痛,持续时间数分钟或数小时不等,心电图ST-T波有改变,下列哪种检查有助于鉴别诊断()
A. 心电图 B. 心得安试验 C. 阿托品试验 D. 心内电生理检查 E. 心肌酶 [单项选择]依据行政诉讼的有关规定,下列哪一证据材料在原告不能自行收集,但能够提供确切线索时,可以申请人民法院调取
A. 涉及公共利益的证据材料 B. 涉及个人隐私的证据材料 C. 涉及中止诉讼事项的证据材料 D. 涉及回避事项的证据材料 [单项选择]网点要由()向()转变。
A. 营销型,交易型 B. 交易型,营销型 C. 以上均不正确 [多选题]在我国,任何单位或者个人不得违规使用( )进行期货交易。
A.自有资金 B.信贷资金 C.财政资金 D.经营利润 [单选题]孙中山提出“以党治国”,一切以党纲为依据,体现在教育上是( )
A.三民主义教育 B.党化教育 C.政治教育 D.党国教育 我来回答: 提交