Cancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab—so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Premodern cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors (oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A. D. , Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the body’s four "humors,, brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the progno
A. Modern cancer care is very effective.
B. There is a lot more cancer now.
C. People understand cancer in radically new ways now.
D. There is a sharp increase in mortality in modern cancer world.
Formosan Union
Chemical Nan King E. Rood Taipei City 638Taiwan Tel: (88- 62)5071234 Fax: (88- 62)5071664 a-mail: formosan@chemical, com. ta Chemex Livingstone Industrial Estate Livingstone West Lothian EH541HZ Scotland January 15,200 __ Dear Sir or Madam, We are looking for a company which can help us distribute our products in new markets. We ma [判断题]进口须办理检疫审批的动植物及其产品,必须凭进口合同办理检疫审批手续。 ( )
[判断题] 封闭的火区,只有经取样化验证实火已熄灭后,方可启封或注销。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]高设有高位消防水箱的消防给水系统,当设有增压设施时,其气压水罐的调节容积宜为()L。
A. 400 B. 550 C. 350 D. 450 [单项选择]民国时期著名的军事理论家蒋方震说,欧洲近代史之曙光,发自两大潮流,其一,希腊思想之复活,……其二,原始基督教复活。这“两大潮流”指的是()
A. 智者运动;文艺复兴 B. 文艺复兴;宗教改革 C. 宗教改革;启蒙运动 D. 文艺复兴;启蒙运动 [简答题]请简述正步的基本动作要领?
[单选题]日常航空天气报告的名称是()A. TAF
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]阿托品对眼的作用是
A. 缩瞳,增高眼内压。调节麻痹 B. 缩瞳,降低眼内压调节麻痹 C. 扩瞳、降低眼内压、调节麻痹 D. 扩瞳、增高眼内压、调节麻痹 E. 扩瞳、增高眼内压、调节痉挛 [填空题]In a competitive and fast-paced modern society, busy business
executives are so engrossing in their work that they hardly know (1)______ what the word "leisure" means. The higher an executive’s posi- tion is on the business ladder, the more hours he spends on his work. With a view to gaining greater corporate standing or a big (2)______ pay rise, he, as a rule, far exceeds over the 40-hour working week. The additional stress and tension (3)______ as well as the shortage of suitable rest and recreation very often (4)______ have a disastrous effect on his health.Few such executives rea. lize that unless they learn how to relax,they will soon run of (5)______ steam before they get to the top of the executive ladder.A not- ed American authority on leisure has said that "The key to relax- ation to busy executives is to avoid the types of activities that are (6)______ part and parcel of their daily work a [单选题][T]A-A-001 4 2 3
在焚烧炉上直接焚烧硫酸铵装置来的物质是( )。 A.稀硫酸铵溶液 B.聚合物 C.V-304废水 D.硫酸铵碱洗液 [单选题]⁂ 船舶《货物系固设备检查、保养和维修记录簿》应由________。
A.大副记录、船长保管 B.大副记录和保管 C.水手长记录、大副保管 D.木匠记录、水手长保管 [单项选择]n个顶点的连通图中边的条数至少为( )。
A. 0 B. 1 C. n-1 D. n [填空题] One of the newest taboos (禁忌) in American society is the topic of fat. 【B1】 many other taboos, fat is a topic that Americans talk about 【B2】 . It is not taboo to talk about fat; it is taboo to 【B3】 fat. The 【B4】 look is thin, not fat. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking and trim executives to sell their 【B5】 as well as their products to the public. The thin look is 【B6】 with youth, vigor, and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is considered as lazy and 【B7】 in energy, self-discipline, and self-respect. In an image-conscious society like the U.S., thin is "in", fat is "out".
【B8】 it is not 【B9】 that millions of Americans have become 【B10】 with staying slim and "in shape". The 【B11】 of a youthful physical appearance is not, 【B12】 . the sole reason for American people’’s 【B13】 with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the 【B14】 importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most 【B15】 developed nations, the life-style of North Am
A. A.much B.most C.many D.more [单选题]始发列车计划应按列车运行图规定的( )制定。
A.时分 B.重量 C.计划 D.长度 [单选题]能帮助和支持可燃物燃烧的物质,既能与可燃物发生氧化反应的物质称为( )。
A.助燃物 B.可燃物 C.可燃产物 D.氧化物 [单选题]心室肌的电生理特性是
A.有兴奋性和自律性 B.有自律性、无传导性 C.有兴奋性和传导性 D.有收缩性、自律性而无传导性 E.有收缩性、传导性 [单选题]电牵引采煤机既可以实现采煤机要求的工作特性,而且更容易实现监测和控制( )。
A.自主化 B.高级化 C.智能化 D.自动化 [单选题]止血带止血时,遇到动脉出血和单纯静脉出血,止血带分别要扎在肢体的( )心端。
A.近;近 B.近;远 C.远;远 D.远;近 [单选题]下列关于横向斜撑设置的说法中错误的是( )。
A.横向斜撑应在同一节间由底至顶呈之字 形连续设置 B.高度在24m以下的封闭型双排脚手架可不 设横向斜撑 C.高度在24m以上的封闭型双排脚手架,可 只在拐角处设置横向斜撑 D.开口型双排脚手架的两端均必须设置横 向斜撑 [多选题]下列关于防烟、排烟系统检查维护的说法正确的是( )。
A.每季度应对防烟、排烟风机、活动挡烟垂壁、自动排烟窗进行一次功能检测启动试验及供电线路检查。 B.每半年应对全部排烟防火阀、送风阀或送风口、排烟阀或排烟口进行自动和手动启动试验一次。 C.每半年应对全部防烟、排烟系统进行一次联动试验和性能检测,其联动功能和性能参数应符合原设计要求。 D.排烟窗的温控释放装置、排烟防火阀的易熔片应有10%的备用件,且不少于 10只。 [判断题] 雷云对电力架空线路的杆塔顶部放电时,击穿绝缘子对导线放电而产生的过电压,称为雷电反击过电压
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]TYJL-ADX型计算机联锁,更换板卡时对带有拨码及跳线的板卡要核对相应设置。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交