Somewhere on the South Coast
Dear Mum and Dad,
It was a great idea to send me over to Britain to learn English this summer! I’ve met so many students from Sweden, France and all over the world. And there are lots of students from Germany here too. It’s just like being at home. What a relief to find normal people, even in England, and to speak in a normal language most of the time.
Of course, we do have English lessons in the day, and I have to talk to the family I stay with here. Do you know, some of my friends have said they won’t go out with us in the evening any more—they want to speak English and find English friends. I think they’re mad. The family I live with are very nice. But they have some strange habits. They drink tea all day: at breakfast, in the afternoon and at bedtime. And they eat butter with salt in it! If I go out in the evening, I often eat fish and chips. The food is wrapped up in a news pap
A. England
B. France
C. Germany
D. Sweden
Montaigne’s hold on his readers arises
from many causes. There is his frank and curious self-delineation. That
interests, because it is the revelation of a very peculiar nature. Then there is
the positive value of separate thoughts imbedded in iris strange whimsicality
and humor. Lastly, there is the perennial charm of style, which is never a
separate quality, but rather the amalgam and issue of all the mental and moral
qualities in a man’s possession, and which bears the same relation to these that
light bears to the mingled elements that make up the orb of the sun. And style,
after all, rather than thought, is the immortal thing in literature. In
literature, the charm of style is indefinable, yet all subduing, just as fine
manners are in social life. In reality, it is not of so much consequence what
you say, as how you say it. Memor A. fine manners B. a peculiar nature C. a formal style D. irradiating words [判断题]各工作许可人应在完成工作票所列由其负责的停电安全措施后,方可发出许可工作的命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 附着式升降脚手架应由租赁单位进行安装和日常管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在电力系统正常运行中,由( )引起的电压不平衡,应限定在电能质量指标规定的“三相电压允许不平衡度”范围之内。
A.三相电流; B.三相元件或三相负荷; C.频率变化; D.功率因数变化。 [多选题]《人力资源社会保障部关于规范人力资源社会保障系统行政审批和公共服务事项清单的指导意见》指出,地方设定超出上级规定范围的公共服务事项,必须有( )作为设定依据。
A.省级政府规范性文件 B.省级人社部门文件 C.地方性法规 D.地方政府规章 [单选题]对违章携带的物品补收运费时,一律填写( )
A.运价杂费收据 B.客运杂费收据 C.客运收据 D.客运运价杂费收据 [单选题]“应该”做什么或不做什么和“必须”做什么或不做什么的区别是( )。
A.家庭道德和职业道德的区别 B.职业道德和社会公德的区别 C.家庭道德和社会公德的区别 D.道德和法律的区别 [多项选择]下列哪些情况下,膨胀土的变形量可按收缩变形量计算 ()
A. 游泳池的地基 B. 大气影响急剧层内接近饱和的地基 C. 直接受高温作用的地基 D. 地面有覆盖且无蒸发可能的地基 [判断题]把两个或两个以上的电阻接到电路中的两点之间,电阻两端承受同一电压的电路,叫电阻并联电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]内悬浮内拉线抱杆分解组塔,抱杆内拉线的下端应固定在靠近塔架上端的主材节点( )。
A.上方 B.下方 C.中部 D.两端 [单项选择]措施项目是指为完成工程项目施工,发生于该工程施工前和施工过程中()等方面的非工程实体项目。
A. 安全 B. 文明 C. 施工 D. 措施 [判断题]在有煤气泄漏危险场所进行抽堵盲板或检修作业的人员不必配戴好氧气呼吸器,防止煤气中毒。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车票票价为旅客上车日的适用票价。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列消防员个人防护装备穿戴要求是什么?( )
A.应加强个人防护装备日常检查,确保完整无损,发现损坏或性能明显下降,不得穿着使用,并及时更换。 B.应穿戴防护装备,可穿着不合体装备参加作战训练行动。 C.执行战斗任务时,不得超范围、超限使用,避免直接接触高温、油污、有毒、腐蚀、尖锐等物质。 D.空气呼吸器面罩应与本人脸型配套贴合,专人专用,自行维护保养。 [单项选择]下列气中,机体生命活动原动力的是()。
A. 宗气 B. 元气 C. 营气 D. 卫气 E. 中气 [多选题]投资估算编制说明的主要内容有( )。
A.有关参数、率值选定的说明 B.编制范围 C.编制方法、依据 D.主要技术经济指标 E.工程设计方案 [单选题]治疗经行头痛血瘀证,应选用
A.羚角钩藤汤 B.八珍汤 C.补血益气汤 D.生化汤 E.通窍活血汤 [单项选择]下列各项,属于阳证的是()。
A. 表虚热证 B. 表实热证 C. 里实寒证 D. 表实寒证 E. 里虚热证 [单选题]常用的牌号为HJ431埋弧焊焊剂是( )型的焊剂。
A.低锰低硅低氟 B.中锰低硅低氟 C.中锰中硅中氟 D.高锰高硅低氟 [判断题]施工单位技术人员不需要向施工机具操作人员进行安全技术交底。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经返修或加固处理的分项、分部工程,虽然改变外形尺寸但仍能满足安全使用要求,可按()验收。
A. 技术方案和协商文件 B. 不予验收 C. 质量验收规范 D. 必须满足外形尺寸要求才予以验收 [简答题]
(关于长征)我们说,红军在一方面说来是失败了,在另一个方面说来是胜利了。敌人在一个方面说来是胜利了,在另一个方面说来是失败。讲到长征,请问有什么意义呢?我们说,长征是历史上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。 我来回答: 提交