Traditionally, women have lagged behind
men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released yesterday found
that women under age 65 now outpace men in Internet usage. The report, "How
Women and Men Use the Internet," examined use by both sexes, looking at what men
and women are doing online as well as their rate of adopting new Web-based
technologies. "I think the real interesting story is the young women, because
that is the one age cohort where there are many more women online," said Deborah
Fallows, who wrote the report based on findings from surveys conducted over the
past five years. "The younger women are just much more comfortable with the
Internet." The report found that 86 percent of women ages 18 to 29 were online,
compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group. Among African Americans,
60 percent of wom A. corroborate B. disprove C. influence D. weaken [判断题] ( )化学防治方法也叫农药防治方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]烧伤休克期补液时,调节补液量及速度的指标不包括
A. 尿量 B. 血pH和C02CP,红细胞比容 C. 自觉症状,有无口干、烦躁 D. 心率、血压、中心静脉压 E. 末梢循环,甲床毛细血管充血反应 [单选题]有关灌肠的禁忌证,下述哪项是错误的( )
A.臀位、横位 B.阴道出血,胎膜破裂,先露未衔接 C.估计1小时内结束分娩 D.严重妊娠中毒症及心脏病 E.枕横位及枕后位 [单项选择]急性感染是指病程在()
A. 一周之内 B. 二周之内 C. 三周之内 D. 一月之内 E. 两月之内 [单项选择]女性,22岁,因心悸、多食、消瘦、月经量少就诊,经查体及实验检查确诊为Graves病,病人幼年时有哮喘史,下述何种药物应禁忌()
A. 甲基硫氧嘧啶 B. 他巴唑 C. 甲亢平 D. 甲状腺素片 E. 心得安 [单选题] 人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关进行刑事诉讼,应当(),以保证准确有效地执行法律
A. 分工负责,互相配合,互相牵制 B. 分工负责,相互制约,相互妥协 C. 分工负责,互相配合,互相制约 D. 分工负责,相互制约,相互利用 [多项选择]以下对潜在任职人员的心理素质概括不正确的描述是( )。
A. 它包括了对待自己、对待他人和对待社会的态度、思想和行为的一切 B. 获得知识和运用知识的能力 C. 包括了对自然和社会的本质内涵、规律的认识以及经验 D. 包括了在面对重大事件或突发事件时,从内在心理所表现出来的情绪和行为特征 E. 包括了良好的体能和广泛适用性 [多选题]转辙机根据动力不同有( )转辙机。
A.手动 B.液压 C.弹簧 D.电动 我来回答: 提交