Just where exactly is my home In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.
It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.
Of course, a British person will probably think I’m paranoid or just too sensitive, a depressive even. Perhap
A. the dislike of people not speaking English
B. the feeling that you are stupid
C. racial discrimination
D. the warmth the attendants show towards the foreigner
Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good
friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of
the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his
head. They’re both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new
houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out
why. Once Uncle Li went to a town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1 000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor. Bad luck ! A lot of apples had already been carried there when they arr [判断题]在“远哈系统管理程序”EXT表创建分机过程中,字段“姓”可以选填。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][TB-C-001 5 1 1
下列不属于天然气脱水目的的是( )。 A.提高天然气热值 B.减少管线腐蚀 C.资源回收利用 D.提高管输能力,减少输送消耗 [判断题]电缆装卸作业时,宜使用机械装卸 。严禁将电缆从车上直接推落到地面。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在电阻并联的电路中,电路的电流等于各分支电流之和。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安装和使用局部通风机和风筒时,必须遵守:压入式局部通风机和启动装置安装在进风巷道中,距掘进巷道回风口不得小于( )m;全风压供给该处的风量必须大于局部通风机的吸入风量,局部通风机安装地点到回风口间的巷道中的最低风速必须符合本规程第一百三十六条的要求。
A.5 B.10 C.15 [单选题]女性,26岁,孕10周,因频繁恶心呕吐、不能进食入院;查体:面色苍白、皮肤干燥,脉搏细数,血压:90/60mmHg,体重较起病前减轻>5%。初步考虑
A.妊娠剧吐 B.早孕反应 C.食物中毒 D.葡萄胎 E.胃肠炎 [简答题]与世界人口第二大国印度对应的三角洲是?
[单选题]训练结束后,应当及时清点人员,并认真做好整理活动,其活动时间一般不得少于( )分钟。
A.5分钟 B.10分钟 C.15分钟 D.20分钟 [单选题]患者,女,24岁。十二指肠溃疡病史,近日上腹部疼痛,医院胃镜提示十二指肠溃疡出血。处方止血定痛片。止血定痛片的功能是( )
A. 清肠疏风,凉血止血 B. 温阳健脾,养血止血 C. 祛风清热,养血活血 D. 镇肝息风,滋阴潜阳 E. 散瘀,止血止痛 [单选题]有结肠带、结肠袋和肠脂垂的消化管是
A.空肠 B.直肠 C.结肠 D.回肠 E.十二指肠 [单选题]造成中断繁忙干线铁路行车( )以上的,为较大事故。
A. 3h B.5h C. 6h D.8h [单选题]引导接车并正线通过时,准许列车凭特定引导手信号的显示,以不超过( )km/h的速度进站。
A.20 B.45 C.60 [单项选择]健康促进测量了解人群健康状况的分布和趋势,讨论和分析影响人们健康的因素()
A. 特异敏感 B. 一般敏感 C. 较为敏感 D. 特别敏感 E. 特别准确 [单选题]同一化学成分的情况下,铸铁结晶时的冷却速度对石墨化程度影响(),冷却速度越快,越有利于石墨化。(1.0分)
A.很轻 B.很大 C.很小 D.很慢 [单选题]"电力系统电流互感器的二次侧额定电流均( )A。
A.A. 220 B.B. 380 C.C. 5" [单项选择]甲和乙两个公司想合并为丙公司,关于合并程序,下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 如果甲公司是有限公司,则该合并决议需要经2/3以上表决权的股东通过 B. 如果甲是股份公司,则该合并决议需要经出席会议的股东所持表决权的2/3以上通过 C. 乙公司应当在合并决议作出之日起10日通知债权人张某,张某接到通知45日内有权要求甲公司清偿债务 D. 乙公司应当在合并决议作出之日起30日内在报纸上公告 [单项选择]瞳孔区出现两条平行光带向相反方向运动时,中和点选择()。
A. 顺动占优势 B. 不动影动 C. 两条光带在瞳孔中央部会合的状态 D. 逆动占优势 [单项选择]牛带绦虫感染人体的阶段是()
A. 棘球蚴 B. 囊尾蚴 C. 虫卵 D. 成虫 E. 似囊尾蚴 我来回答: 提交