for comedy. The name alone conjures up pizza, and lovable, incorrigible
innocents warbling "O Sole Mio"; a nutty little corner of the world where the id
runs wild and the only answer to the question "Why " appears to be "Why
not " Naples: the butter-side-down of Italian cities, where even the truth has a strangely fictitious tinge. One day a car rearended one of the city’ s minibuses. The bus driver got out to investigate. While he stood there talking, his only passenger took the wheel and drove off. Neither passenger nor bus was ever seen again. Then there was that busy lunch hour in the central post office when a crack in the ceiling opened and postal workers were overwhelmed by an avalanche of stale croissants. As the cleaners hauled away garbage bags of A. disorder B. overcrowding C. insecurity D. inefficiency [判断题]在带电的电磁式或电容式电压互感器二次回路上工作时,应防止二次侧短路或接地。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择][*]
[判断题]爆炸是失去控制的燃烧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女孩,4岁。因发热2d,头痛,呕吐4次,呈喷射状,伴腹泻每天1~2次,略稀,无脓血。体检:神志清,精神萎,颈略抵抗,心脏无异常,两肺呼吸音粗,腹壁反射未引出,膝反射略弱。该病儿入院后首先应作的检查是()
A. 血常规、血培养 B. 脑脊液检查 C. 脑电图 D. 大便常规及培养 E. 乙型脑炎特异性IgM [单项选择]按照服务的性质和提供的方式分类,下列物业服务活动中,不属于物业管理公共服务的是( )。
A. 建筑物外墙清洗 B. 小区路灯的维修和管理 C. 为业主粉刷防盗网和门窗 D. 物业档案资料管理 [单选题]利用犯罪嫌疑人口供中的矛盾,重点是利用犯罪嫌疑人()。
A.记忆失误 B.陈述不清 C.有意谎供 D.相互之间的利害关系 [单选题]某新生儿,出生5天,面部黄染,血清胆红素5mg/dl,吃奶好,大小便正常,家属询问出现黄疸的原因,护士正确的回答是 (1分.)
A.生理性黄疸 B.新生儿肝炎 C.新生儿败血症 D.新生儿溶血症 E.新生儿胆道闭锁 [多选题]充电设施检修时发现资产编号为3340190000000322的直流充电桩烟雾报警告警,此故障的一般处理办法有()。
A.检测模块状态 B.检测充电桩内部电器状态 C.重启TCU D.更换损坏器件 [单选题]非连续进行的事故修复工作,应使用()。
A.工作票 B.事故紧急抢修单 C.施工作业票 D.工作任务单 [单选题]嗜铬细胞瘤临床护理,需重点观察项目是( )。(P577治疗要点)
A.血压 B.体温 C.液体出入量 D.脉搏 [单项选择]In the dining room of my grandfather’s house stood his heavy dock. Meals in the dining room were a (16) for our four generations to become one. My grandfather’s clock always stood like a trusted old family friend, (17) us playing jokes and telling stories, which was already a (18) of our life.
When I was a child, the old clock interested me. I watched and listened to it during (19) I was surprised how at (20) times of the day, the clock would strike three times, six times or more, with a wonderful great (21) that echoed throughout the house. The clock chimed year after year, a part of my (22) , a part of my heart. Even more (23) to me was my grandfather’s special action each day. He meticulously (24) the clock with a special key each day. The key was magic to me. It (25) our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round. Ⅱ.完型填空/Cloze A. made B. controlled C. kept D. fixed [判断题]上下车时,要选好地点,注意地面障碍物。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 持有抚恤证的人员,如( ),( )、( )等,均不能享受减价待遇。
A.参战民兵 B.民工残废证 C.革命工作人员残废证 D.退伍士兵证 [单选题]根据《关于多元化支付票务操作及乘客事务处理的票务通知》:乘客向车站反映乘车码被限用时,车站指引乘客联系___咨询处理
A.A、手机腾讯客服 B.B、96891 C.C、羊城通客服 D.D、微信客服 [判断题]办理'税e贷'时,农商银行可以通过银税直联系统直接获取客户税务数据。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]脱P反应有利条件是适当低温度、()、高FeO。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一病人家属向护士询问患食管癌后其治疗与预后同什么有关,护士回答与下列因素有关但除了
A.病程的长短 B.病变的长度 C.吞咽困难的程度 D.有无远处转移 E.肿瘤侵犯的深度及有无局部淋巴结转移 [多选题]带电接入架空线路与空载电缆线路的连接引线之前,应确认( ),并与负荷设备断开。
A.电缆线路试验合格 B.架空线路空载 C.对侧电缆终端连接完好 D.接地已拆除 [单选题]物质如果要进行燃烧,须具备的条件是( )。
A.可燃物、助燃物、引火源 B.可燃物、助燃物、空气 C.空气、助燃物、引火源 [多选题]纤维结肠镜术前准备包括: ( )
A.术前做好解释工作,争取病人配合 B.术前一晚充分睡眠 C.检查前2天进低脂、细软少渣半流质饮食 D.检查前一天晚餐后口服导泻液 E.术前1小时用温水800~1000ml清洁灌肠 [判断题]当两架信号机间的距离小于400米时,前架信号机的显示必须重复后架信号机的显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]航站区内现有用于旅客乘坐使用的电瓶车由牌证办统一管理和调配。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重点时段旅客运输组织坚持( )的工作要求。
A.站车一体 B.站车密切配合 C.以人为本 D.以站保车 我来回答: 提交