Too Late to Regret It{{/B}} When I was a junior, I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn’t tall or good-looking, but he was very nice, attractive and athletic. He had something that I admired very much. He was natural, warm, and sincere. I disregarded (不顾) my parents’ disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning, and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe (晒太阳) on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family, but in order to make me happy, he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me. Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied (妒忌) me. He wasn’t a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we ha A. very happy. B. extremely joyful. C. quite relieved. D. in great pain. [单项选择]关于电击伤的介绍,哪项不正确()
A. 出现痛性肌肉收缩,惊恐,面色苍白 B. 出现头痛,头晕,心悸 C. 出现心律失常,心脏骤停 D. 出现呼吸极微弱呈"假死状态",呼吸停止 E. 电击伤部位有出血表现 [单项选择]心室律绝对不规则的心电图是
A. 完全性干扰性房室分离 B. 阵发性室上性心动过速 C. 心房颤动伴完全性房室传导阻滞 D. 心房颤动不伴房室传导阻滞 E. 房性心动过速 [单项选择]流行性脑脊髓膜炎出现昏迷、潮式呼吸和瞳孔不等大时最主要的抢救措施为
A. 肌注苯巴比妥 B. 20%甘露醇静脉快速输入 C. 注射山莨菪碱(654-2) D. 立即气管切开 E. 使用人工呼吸机 [单项选择]发电机中性点接地叫()接地。
A. 工作 B. 保护 C. 安全 D. 重复 [单选题]内指点标在( )类着陆标准的机场安装。
A.A、I B.B、II C.C、III D.D、II、 III [单选题]对于默认vlan 1的处理正确的是( )
A.对系统没影响不需要管它 B.一定不能删除 C.可以删除也可以不删除 D.能删除的地方尽量删除 [判断题] 在计算和分析三相不对称系统短路时,广泛应用对称分量法( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新形势下加强和规范党内政治生活,重点是( )。
A.党的各级代表大会代表 B.各级领导干部 C.各级领导机关和领导干部 D.各级领导机关 [多项选择]洋务运动时期洋务学堂大致可分为()。
A. 方言学堂 B. 天文学堂 C. 军事学堂 D. 技术学堂 [单选题]尺寸公差是指允许的( )。
A.尺寸变动量 B.尺寸轴向量 C.尺寸径向量 D.基本尺寸 [单选题]在电气化线路进行起道作业,调整曲线超高时,单股起道量不得超过( )mm。
A.20 B.11 C.15 D.30 [判断题]新装、增容用电客户在竣工验收合格,交清有关费用,签订《供电用合同》后,应及时为客户工程装表接电
。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不符合五行生克规律的是()
A. 水为木之母 B. 金为土之子 C. 火为土之母 D. 金为木之所胜 E. 水为火之所不胜 [判断题]若无法观察到停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设二次型f(x1,x2,…,xn)=xTAx,其中AT=A,x=(x1,x2,…,xn)T,则f为正定二次型的充分必要条件是
(A) f的负指数是0. (B) 存在正交矩阵Q,使QTAQ=E. (C) f的秩为n. (D) 存在可逆矩阵C,使A=CTC. [判断题]在预加氢反应中对于金属有机化合物,是通过加氢反应使之还原成元素状态后被催化剂吸附的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear
Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear A.The growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year. B.This year the government will continue to support lending and investment in construction~ C.The government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004. D.State bonds issued to finance construction will be $3.6 billion less this year than last. A. The growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year. B. This year the government will continue to support lending and investment in construction~ C. The government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004. D. State bonds issued to finance construction will be $3.6 billion less this year than last. [单项选择]为了明确上消化道出血的病因和部位,可选用哪项检查
A. 双气囊三腔管 B. X线钡餐检查 C. 胃镜 D. 选择性腹腔动脉造影 E. 以上都可以 [单选题]从火场抢救出来的物资应当指定放置地点,指派( )看护,严格检查,防止夹带火种引起燃烧,并及时清点和移交。
A. 专人 B. 本单位人员 C. 相关人员 D. 战斗员 [填空题]车站发现人员进入线路时,车站人员立即按压 ,劝其通过安全疏散
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机体各脏阴阳的根本来自( )。
A.肝 B.心 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾 [判断题]检查时发现公共娱乐场所从业人员不具有正确报火警、扑救初起火灾、引导在场群众疏散的技能,应给予口头警告。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]【填空】客户侧低压验电前应先在( )有电部位上试验,以验证验电器或测电笔良好。
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