The world is full of new horrors and
there’s no place to hide. Who says so Disaster psychologists, for a start. They
are the people who take in the big picture of our collective reactions to
human-created disaster, the ways these reactions are caused, and our coping
mechanisms. And research into disaster psychology is growing fast. Among the big issues being addressed by these researchers are understanding the terrorists’ weapons, assessing the full impact of terrorism—and, crucially, working out which psychological approaches actually work. It’s a deeply controversial area. Take the work of Dennis Embry as an example. He argues that we have overlooked the obvious. the purpose of terrorism is to create terror. This works best "if the very symbols of everyday life become conditioned fear and anxiety stimulant". The top targe A. By overlooking the most obvious of everyday life. B. By setting up new symbols for a nation’s daily life. C. By turning symbols of everyday life into fear and anxiety stimulant. D. Through hijacking big planes from the most famous international airlines. [单选题]基金托管人不再具备法定条件,或者未能勤勉尽责,在履行法定职责时存在重大失误的,中国证监会、中国银保监会应当( )。
A.责令其改正 B.予以警告 C.罚款 D.报司法机关 [简答题]心肌酶学的指标有哪些?
细菌细胞的( )部分结构与其抗原性相关。 A.鞭毛 B.荚膜 C.芽孢 D.液泡 [单项选择]
Text 2 [单选题]核素治疗病房要( )
A.无需屏蔽 B.铅屏蔽 C.锡屏蔽 D.树脂屏蔽 E.玻璃屏蔽 [简答题]简述正确使用和维护设备的标准。
A. 电导率升高 B. HSiO3-含量下降 C. PH值升高 D. 碱度下降 [简答题]联系实际,谈谈如何提高教师的素质。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]异味的定义:通常与产品腐败变质或转化作用有关的一种非正常气味。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凡参加外墙清洗的作业人员必须达到初中以上文化程度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为了使Na2S2O3标准溶液稳定,正确配制的方法是( )。
A.A.将Na2S2O3溶液煮沸1h,过滤,冷却后再标定 B.B.用煮沸冷却后的纯水配制,放置7天后再标定 C.C.用煮沸冷却后的纯水配制,且加入少量Na2CO3,放置7天后再标定 D.D.用煮沸冷却后的纯水配制Na2S2O3溶液后,即可标定 [单选题]对流换热量与对流放热系数成( )。
A. 反比 B. 没关系 C. 不确定 D. 正比 [单选题]在全部停电和部分停电的电气设备上工作时,必须完成的技术措施有:停电、( )、挂接地线、装设遮栏和悬挂标示牌。
A.放电 B.验电 C.巡视安全检查 [单选题]下列可选性曲线描述正确的是( )。
A.β表示沉物曲线 B.θ表示沉物曲线 C.λ表示沉物曲线 D.δ表示沉物曲线 [单选题]螺杆泵的安全阀弹簧太松或阀芯与阀座有杂质等造成密封不严,会造成泵( )的故障。
A.效率降低 B.温度升高 C.流量下降 D.振动增大 [单项选择]患者,女,32岁,间断四肢关节疼痛5年,近来感乏力、食欲不振、心悸、气短,肝肋下一指,轻触痛。查血红蛋白96g/L,尿蛋白(+),双下肢轻度水肿,其原因可能为()
A. 慢性肾炎 B. 肝硬化 C. 二尖瓣狭窄致右心衰 D. 黏液性水肿 E. 营养不良 [多项选择]The traveller found New Yorkers to be
A. kind. B. rude. C. pushy. D. helpful. [简答题]供应商可对其产品信息进行管理,包括但不限于修改产品标题、类目属性、库存和描述等,或限制分销商进行编辑。当出现哪些情形时,分销商店铺内的相关代销商品将被同步下架?
[单项选择]People like to think that life was better in the past. The air was cleaner, the water was clearer, people
friendlier, life was safer and, certainly, it was
But were the good old days
so good Probably
Many of today"s problems existed(存在) in the past,
some problems in the past do not exist today. For example, many diseases(疾病) are
control now. It is safe to say that life has always had its problems.
existed in the past, they exist in the present and, certainly, they
exist in the future. But just remember: in the future, we can
at today"s life and talk
the good old days!
A. was B. were C. are [单选题]含水量的定义是( )。
A.水重与干土重之比 B.水重与湿土重之比 C.干土重与湿土重之比 D.水重与水所占体积之比 [简答题]爬升阶段可选择的三种爬升方式是哪些?
[单选题]在测区半径为10km范围内,面积为100km2之内,以水平面代替水准面所产生的影响,在普通测量工作中可以忽略不计的为( )。
A.距离影响、水平角影响 B.方位角影响、竖直角影响 C.高差影响、距离影响 D.坐标计算影响、高程计算影响 [填空题]Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies ________ low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them ________ and active. When the work is well done, a ________ of accident-free operations is established ________ time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.
Successful safety programs may ______ greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by ______ roles or regulations. ______ others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.
There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety ________ . The fewer the injury ________ , the better the workman’’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at ________ or at a loss.
A. A.alive B.vivid D.diverse [单项选择]OA子架有槽位限制,要求()槽位用于OHP单板安装。
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 [判断题]( )转向角愈小,列车运行条件愈好。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]涂装工艺的三个基本工序包括( )
A.漆前表面处理 B.涂布 C.修饰抛光 D.干燥 [判断题] Ex电缆引入装置不必标志温度组别。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.诱发心绞痛
A.粒细胞缺乏 B.甲状腺功能减退 C.血管神经性水肿 D.肝功能不良 E.硫脲类的主要不良反应是 [单选题]扎实搞好基础训练,要抓好单车、单机、单泵、单艇等基本战斗单元训练,打牢( )基础。
A.技术战术 B.坚定信念 C.思想教育 D.军人核心价值观 [单选题]为保证Ⅰ期临床试验的安全性,选6~7人,给予剂量不大于100μg,主要评价药物的安全性和药动学特征的研究,属于
A.临床前一般药理学研究 B.临床前药效学研究 C.临床前药动学研究 D.0期临床研究 E.临床前毒理学研究 [名词解释]旅游消费
[单选题]–- -Will youpleasetell John to cometo myof ice?
-- -_____. A. Yes, I do B. I’ ll be glad C. Thankyou D. I’ ll be gladto 我来回答: 提交