How many times a day do you check your email When you wake up Before bed A dozen times in between The technology that was supposed to simplify our lives has become the ultimate time-suck: the average teen spends more than seven hours a day using technological devices, plus an additional hour just text-messaging friends.
The advantage to all that gadgetry, of course, is connectedness: email lets us respond on the go, and we are in touch with more people during more hours of the day than at any other time in history. But is it possible we’re more lonely than ever, too That’s what MIT professor Sherry Turkle observes in her new book, Alone Together, a fascinating portrait of our changing relationship with technology, the result of nearly 15 years of study. Turkle details the ways technology has redefined our perceptions of intimacy and solitude--and warns of the perils of embracing such virtual relationships in place of lasting emotional connections.
A. the advantages and disadvantages of technology.
B. how technology influences human relationships.
C. our expectations on technology.
D. our views on virtual relationships.
Parkour is a physical activity that is
difficult to categorize. It is not an extreme sport, but an art or discipline
that resembles self-defense in the martial arts. According to David Belle, “the
physical aspect of parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as you
would in an emergency. You want to move in such a way, with any movement, as to
help you gain the most ground on someone or something, whether escaping from it
or chasing toward it.”① Thus, when faced with a hostile confrontation
with a person, one will be able to speak, fight, or flee. As martial arts are a
form of training for the fight, parkour is a form of training for the flight.
Because of its unique nature, it is often said that parkour is in its own
category:“ Parkour is parkour.” An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency. A. Jogging. B. Obstacle race. C. Gymnastics. D. Acrobatic performance. [判断题]当装设驼峰道岔自动集中时,驼峰控制台应有车组顺序和进路去向的表示。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]驼峰是利用车辆本身的(),并辅以机车的推力,主要用于分解车列的一种调车设备。
A.动力 B.惯性 C.重力 D.能量 [填空题]反比例函数 y=n-1x 的图象在第二、四象限,则n 的取值范围为( ).
[判断题]《涉外收入申报单》、《境内收入申报单》按国家外汇管理局规定至少留存12个月备查。 厦国银发〔2019〕111号:关于颁发《厦门国际银行股份有限公司境内机构国际收支间接申报操作办法》的通知
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某食品生产企业发现其产品使用的食品添加剂超出《食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760-2014)的范围要求,该企业召回这些产品后应当采取()措施。
A.重新包装上市 B.作为原料生产其他品类产品 C.无害化处理、销毁 D.内部食堂使用 [多选题]道德是以善恶为评价标准,主要依靠()来维系的心理意识、原则规范和行为活动的总和。
A.内心信仰 B.学校教育 C.社会舆论 D.传统习俗 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于国家对建筑企业的考核指标()。
A. 企业总产值 B. 工作量 C. 科技人员比率 D. 机械设备总值 [单选题]下列哪一项不是桥基牙必须具备的条件
A.活髓 B.足够的牙体组织 C.形态发育正常 D.牙体组织结构正常 E.牙槽骨健康 [单项选择]很少有地方比行进中的飞机、轮船和火车更容易让人倾听到内心的声音。我们眼前的景观同我们脑子里可能产生的想法之间往往存在着某种奇妙的联系:宏阔的思考常常需要壮阔的景观,而新的观点往往也产生于陌生的所在。
这段文字意在说明( )。 A. 旅行能使人眼界开阔 B. 旅途中的景观常能引起思考 C. 旅行者的角色能使人增加人生体验 D. 人的思维角度容易受所处环境的影响 [填空题]添加剂的使用是为了(),特别是造渣成分。
[单项选择]在段页式管理的存储器中,程序按逻辑分为若干 (29) ,而实存则等分为若干 (30) 。在多道程序环境中,每道程序都有一张 (31) 和一个作为用户标志的 (32) 。一个逻辑地址中,除了 (32) 、段号和页号外,还有一个 (33) ,通过若干次查表等运算就可找到在实存中的物理地址。
A. 页 B. 块 C. 段 D. 区 [单项选择]无导游证进行导游活动的,由旅游行政管理部门责令改正并予以公告,处()罚款。
A. 3000元以上1万元以下 B. 5000元以上1万元以下 C. 500元以下 D. 1000元以上3万元以下 [单选题]长期停运超过(____)的断路器,在正式执行操作前应通过远方控制方式进行试操作2~3次,无异常后方能按操作票拟定的方式操作 。
A.6个月 B.8个月 C.10个月 D.一年 我来回答: 提交