Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England. (21) , the British Isles contain a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. The others (22) to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, (23) the case may be; they are often slightly annoyed (24) being classified as "English".
Even in England there are many (25) in regional character and speech. The chief (26) is between southern England and northern England. South of a (27) going from Bristol to London, people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students, (28) there are local variations.
Further north, regional speech is usually" (29) "than that of southern Britain. Northerners are (30) to claim that they work harder than Southerners, and are more (31) . They
A. as
B. which
C. for
D. so
表17-9 交换机基本参数 | |
交换机类型 | 参 数 |
A | 12个固定千兆RJ45接口,背板带宽=24G,包转发率=18Mpps |
B | 24个千兆SFP,背板带宽=192G,包转发率=150Mpps |
C | 模块化交换机,背板带宽=1.8T,包转发率=300Mpps,业务插槽数量=8,支持电源冗余 |
D | 24个固定百兆RJ45接口,1个GBIC插槽,包转发率=7.6Mpps |
Not so long ago, prediction markets
(市场预测) were being considered as a fantastic new way to forecast everything from
the completion date of a vital project to a firm’s annual sales. But although
they have spread beyond early-adopting companies in the technology industry,
they have still not become mainstream management tools. Even crazy advocates
admit much remains to be done to convince doubtful managers of their value.
"It’s still a pretty blessing business, " says Leslie Fine of CrowdCast, one of
the firms that provide trading platforms for companies keen to pool the
collective wisdom of their employees. Prediction markets work by giving people virtual trading accounts that allow them to buy and sell "shares" that correspond to a particular outcome. Shares in an outcome that is considered more likely to occur then A. managers’ promotion of it among the staff B. employees’ application of it in trading C. bosses’ belief in experts’ authority D. firms’ motivating methods [填空题]注水井分层测试可用来了解油层()及其变化,了解()的工作状况。
A. 相支持 B. 相统一 C. 共同发展 D. 科学发展 [单选题]下列哪项除外均属濒死期病人的临床表现:
A.循环衰竭 B.神志不清 C.呼吸衰竭 D.各种反射逐渐消失 [判断题]动车组列车以部分监控模式发车,列控车载设备收到UU码后输出最大常用制动。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]被称为"危险期"或"心理断乳期"的时期发生在()阶段。
A. 提高整体生存率 B. 为手术治疗争取时间 C. 减少化疗耐药的发生 D. 对患者及肿瘤进行科学评估 E. 提高保肢率 [单项选择]小明把数学书上的公式全部都背熟了,但做起题来还是摸不着头脑,这就是孔子所批评过的()
A. 学而不思则罔 B. 思而不学则殆 [判断题]错误操纵、使用行车设备耽误列车:系指作业人员违反操作规程耽误列车或使用方法不当造成机车车辆等行车设备损坏耽误列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下属于接触网硬点引起的故障有( )。
A.接触线和受电弓的机械损伤 B.电弧烧伤影响取流 C.弓网故障 D.局部磨耗发展为接触线断线 [多选题]0外资银行下列变更事项应报经国务院银行监管机构批准( )
A.修改章程 B.变更注册资本或营运资金 C.调整业务范围 D.变更机构名称 [多项选择]妇科腹部手术按范围分()。
A. 剖腹探查术 B. 择期手术 C. 附件切除术 D. 次全子宫切除术 E. 急症手术 [多选题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)SDN能够解决传统网络遇到的哪些问题?()
A.网络拥塞 B.设备太复杂 C.运维太困难 D.新业务部署太慢 E.设备频繁死机 [多项选择]纤维组织再生时,成纤维细胞的来源是()。
A. 静止状态的纤维细胞转变而来 B. 未分化的间叶细胞转化而来 C. 肉芽组织 D. 结缔组织的化生 E. 血管内皮细胞索转化而来 我来回答: 提交