One of the largest mental health
problems in the United States is that of compulsive gambling. Although there are
no scientific studies that have discovered the exact number, experts estimate
that between five and ten million persons are compulsive gamblers. Like addicting to alcohol or narcotics, compulsive gambling crosses all social and economic lines. Compulsive gamblers can be found in any profession and at any level of society. And the addiction affects both men and women. The gambling compulsion usually starts in the early teens. The more often the young gambler indulges in the compulsion, the more obsessive it becomes. By his early twenties, the average compulsive gambler has moved from small bets on such things as football games, horse races, and card games to more adult, more expensive, gambling forms. A. lending money to their poor relatives B. placing a new bet C. buying expensive presents for themselves D. spending money on their families [填空题]液体疗法的补液总量包括补充()、()和()。
[单选题]下列细菌仅仅对人致病的是( )
A.马流产沙门菌 B.伤寒沙门菌 C.猪霍乱沙门菌 D.鸭沙门菌 E.以上都不对 [单项选择]合同变更属于对原有合同的实质性变更时,应以( )的方式变更。
A. 专业条款 B. 补充协议 C. 双方协商 D. 仲裁 [单项选择]有关盆腔子宫内膜异位症,下述哪项是错误的()
A. 痛经呈渐进性加剧 B. 痛经程度与病灶大小呈正比 C. 周期性疼痛不一定与月经同步 D. 病变累及直肠陷凹及骶骨韧带时,可有性交痛 E. 40%患者不孕 [单选题] 在低压配电装置和低压导线上工作中,对于低压电动机和在不可能触及高压设备、二次系统的照明回路上的工作可( ),该工作至少由两人进行。
A.不填用工作票,但应做好相应记录 B.填用变电站(发电厂)第一种工作票 C.填用变电站(发电厂)第二种工作票 D.填用变电站(发电厂)带电作业工作票 [单选题]国道、省道建筑控制区范围是距公路边沟外缘不少于( )米
A.20、15 B.10、5 C.20、10 D.1、20 [单选题] 架空电线路跨越接触网时,电力线至接触网的垂直距离(mm):35kv及以上至110kv的电力线路不小于( )。 (1分)
A.6000mm B.5000mm C.4000mm D.3000mm [多选题]皁) 沈某家住甲地,在乙地制作盗版光盘,经过丙地运输到丁地进行销售。对沈某的违法行为有管辖权的是( )公安机关。
A.甲地 B.乙地 C.丙地 D.丁地 [单选题]Austin-Flint杂音见于( )
A.相对性三尖瓣关闭不全 B.器质性主动脉瓣狭窄 C.器质性肺动脉瓣狭窄 D.相对性二尖瓣狭窄 E.功能性二尖瓣关闭不全 [填空题] HXN3 型内燃机车从Ⅰ端开始,依次为司机室 — ( ) — 电阻制动间 —空滤间 —柴油机间 —冷却间 — Ⅱ端司机室 ,下部为两台转向架 。
A. 400~700mm; B. 500~800mm; C. 600~900mm; D. 700~ 1000mm [单选题]大黄临床上常用治湿热泻痢,是取其何功?
A.泻下通便 B.清热泻火 C.凉血止血 D.清热解毒 E.逐瘀通经 [判断题]钢桁梁上部检查作业车、吊篮等附属设施,必须安全可靠,运行中应有可靠的制动设施,承载能力应满足设计要求,并经常保持状态良好。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在工作人员上、下的临近带电设备的铁钩架上和运行中变压器的梯子上应悬挂()标示牌。
A.止步,高压危险 B.禁止攀登,高压危险 C.在此工作 我来回答: 提交