{{B}}Text{{/B}} When my father was getting ready for work. our{{U}} (26) {{/U}}was ruled by knocks and words. One{{U}} (27) {{/U}}on the. table meant "I am ready for my breakfast". Two knocks on the table{{U}} (28) {{/U}}I am ready for my breakfast. {{U}} (29) {{/U}}he said, "Boots". The paper was{{U}} (30) {{/U}}for him over the back of an armchair. Today’s paper was put on the chair for his{{U}} (31) {{/U}}. and his boots were brought to him, freshly brushed. He read{{U}} (32) {{/U}}at the same time putting on his boots and lacing them{{U}} (33) {{/U}}. After finishing one boot. he said. "Bus." At that{{U}} (34) {{/U}}one of the girls went outside to the garden gate{{U}} (35) {{/U}}waited there. Her job was to stop the bus{{U}} (36) {{/U}}it came. It came A. hauled B. pushed C. dragged D. pulled [简答题]产线有员工打架,只要不在门岗,就不是安检员的事情,可以不用理会
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]克罗恩病诊断最有意义的检查方法()
A. 腹部B超 B. 腹部CT C. 粪便潜血 D. 胃镜 E. 消化道X线钡剂造影 [单项选择]下面关于可控成本的论述不正确的是()
A. 短期不可控成本从较长期来看就可能变为可控成本了 B. 上级部门的可控成本对于下级来讲可能是不可控成本 C. 甲成本中心的可控成本对于乙成本中心可能是不可控成本 D. 变动成本都是可控成本 [多选题]对确因客观原因导致不能如期归还的扶贫小额信贷,承贷银行会同扶贫部门审核后,可以( )。
A.A、展期 B.B、续贷 C.C、核销 D.D、代偿 [单选题]36岁已婚女性,月经周期延长15天,有早孕反应。妇科检查:子宫正常大小,宫口闭,双侧附件未见明显异常。首先处理是( )
A.黄体酮肌内注射 B.保胎治疗 C.尿妊娠试验 D.超声检查 E.基础体温测定 [单项选择]
高频离心铸造机正确的维护保养方法是。 定期检查机内电路的绝缘电阻,其间隔时间为()。A. 1个月 B. 3个月 C. 2个月 D. 5个月 E. 6个月 我来回答: 提交