For the 1992 Winter Games, French
organizers constructed a new motorway, parking lots and runs for skiing in the
Alps. Environmentalists screamed "Disaster!" Thus warned, the Norwegians have
adopted "green" advice and avoided great blots on the landscape. The
speed-skating rink was built to look like an over- turned ship, and placed so as
not to disturb a bird sanctuary. Dug into a mountainside, the hockey arena is
well concealed and energy efficient. The bobsled run is built out of wood not
metal and hidden among trees, No wonder the president of the international
Olympic Committee has called these the first "Green Games". Lillehammer’s opening ceremonies featured a giant Olympic Torch burning biogas produced by rotting vegetation. During construction, builders were threatened with 7,500 fines f A. Recycling would be concluded in Olympic Games in the future. B. Recycling will become an integral feature of the Olympic Games. C. Recycling is likely to be selected as one sport event in the future. D. Recycling is as important as Olympic Games. [简答题] Studies have found that no single factor causes violence. Researchers have (47)______ many determinants, including both individual (48)______ and attributes of campus and community environments. These factors can be organized according to a "social ecological framework," a commonly used public health model. This model recognizes that health-and safety-related behaviors are shaped through (49)______ levels of influence — individual, group, institutional, and community as well as public policy and societal factors. The nature and strength of these factors will vary across settings and by type of violence.
In a campus community, the following are examples of possible influences at each level:
Individual factors, such as student, faculty, and staff attitudes and beliefs about violence; skills for (50)______ conflict.
Interpersonal or group processes, such as group norms regarding appropriate behavior; responses of bystanders to violence.
Institutional factors, such
A. 15 B. 20 C. 10 D. 7 [单选题]WJ-8型扣件桥上采用小阻力扣件时使用()型弹条。
A.X2 B.W1 C.SKL15 D.SKL B15 [多选题]社区和驻村民警的主要工作内容包括:()。
A.开展群众工作 B.掌握社情民意 C.管理实有人口 D.组织安全防范 E.维护治安秩序 [单项选择]一次性使用无菌注射器的生物性能质量要求是( )
A. 注射器内表面不得有明显可见的润滑剂 B. 与注射器接触的内包装不能破裂 C. 无溶血和急性全身毒性 D. 韧性好、耐腐蚀 E. 针头内壁光滑、穿刺时不易脱屑 [单选题]静负荷试验:()倍额定工作负荷下持续1min,以无变形、无损伤为合格。
A.A.1 B.B.1.1 C.C.C1.2 D.D.D1.5 [判断题]车载气瓶背带断裂,可以给加气,同时提醒司机去维修。
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