引发该求助者心理问题的原因可能是() Questions 51 - 55 are based on
the following passage. In the lumberyard by the lake, where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work, there was an old brick building two floors high, and all around the outside walls were heaped great piles of soft sawdust. There were many of these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard right down to the blue lake. That afternoon, bored with having nothing else to do, all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building A. They left immediately. B. They were not surprised. C. They remembered how they had felt themselves. D. They thought he was joking. [填空题]在计算机通信中,采用()方式进行差错控制。
[判断题]失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,参加职工基本医疗保险由失业人员个人缴纳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]餐车开办经营性休闲茶座,必须符合以下条件( )
A.直通旅客列车 B.新型空调特快 C.快速旅客列车 D.直达特快列车 [单项选择]下列哪一项属于瓦斯爆炸事故的主要技术措施()。
A. 加强通风 B. 及时处理积聚的瓦斯 C. 加强瓦斯检查和检测 D. 防止瓦斯爆炸事故扩大 [简答题]在人工立杆、撤杆时应注意哪些事项?
[多选题]下列可不纳入天窗的维修项目:( )。
A.线路标志、标记涂刷 B.整理道床 C.清理垃圾或弃物 D.栏杆油漆 E.桥面以下不影响行车安全的作业 我来回答: 提交