One of the strongest arguments for the
raising of the school leaving age ( often referred to by its initials , ROSLA )
has been that it will bring us some way nearer to the ideal of "equality of
opportunity." Many people like to think of our present system of schooling as providing plenty of steps up the ladder of success for clever children. It would be good to think that noone who is really bright can be missed out when the state system is apparently so thorough. It is obvious, for instance, that many children from less wealthy homes reach university or do well in other ways. Unfortunately we now have plenty of evidence that many children of every level of ability do much less well than they could. For in- stance, during the years of national military service it was possible to test the intelligence of all malelS-20 year o A. more than half leave school when they are 16 B. fewer go to university than ever before C. many of the clever ones leave school early D. fewer boys than girls stay at school after 16 [判断题]消防泵在日常使用时应打自动档位,以便水泵随时处于待命状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]西方谚语中,条条大路通的是哪座城市?
A.降低放大器的放大倍数,提高放大信号的稳定性; B.减小非线性失真; C.增大非线性失真; D.展宽频带 [多选题]在行政赔偿中,赔偿义务机关赔偿损失后,下列哪些工作人员或者受委托的组织或者个人应承担部分或者全部赔偿费用?( )
A.某派出所民警王某在办理一起治安案件时,因被侵害人徐某过于激动,就将徐某关进留置室4个小时 B.某派出所民警陈某因家中有急事,未按照派出所的规定,向档案室移交刘某殴打他人的治安案卷(已作出处罚决定并执行拘留完毕),而是将案卷放在自己办公桌抽屉内。恰巧当天晚上派出所失火,将该屋内的物品全部烧毁。后刘某向法院起诉,因证据材料烧毁,无法提供,法院撤销了对刘某的处罚 C.某派出所查获一起盗窃自行车的案件。民警在询问违法嫌疑人赵某时,该所所长张某经过,见赵某拒不交代且态度顽劣,张某上去就打了赵某两记耳光,并踹其一脚,赵某当即倒在地上。后经鉴定,赵某为轻微伤 D.民警张某与其邻居孙某有矛盾。一日,张某在办理孙某非法侵入住宅一案时,张某知道孙某不识字,便捏造了一份材料让孙某在上面按了指印,致使孙某被错误拘留10日 [判断题]10.日常用的交流电是正弦交流电,正弦交流电的波形要求是严格的正弦波(包括电压和电流)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]集中联锁车站的进站、进路、出站信号机,通过信号机,当机车或车辆( )该信号机后自动关闭。《技规》第412条
A.第一轮对越过 B.全部越过 C.机车越过 D.第一辆越过 [简答题]生产中拉伸倍数如何确定?举例说明生产中如何实施?
A. 3,3 B. 2,2 C. 1,1 [简答题]灭火的方法有哪些?
[多选题]发出存货按先进先出法计价,其特点是( )。
A.发出存货的成本比较接近于其重置成本 B.物价上涨时,避免虚增利润 C.发出存货的成本与其重置成本差额较大 D.期末结存数额比较接近实际 [填空题]移动通信系统中使用的多址方式的基本类型有:()。
[单选题]Text 2 For years,studies have found that first-generation college students—those who do not havea parent with a college degree—lag other students on a range of education achievement factors.Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher.But since such students are most likely to advance economically if they succeed in higher education,colleges and universities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them.This has created“a paradox”in that recruiting first-generation students,but then watching many of them fail,means that higher education has“continued to reproduce and widen,rather than close”an achievement gap based on social class,according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in the journalPsychological Science.But the article is actually quite optimistic,as it outlines a potential solution to this problem,suggesting that an approach(which involves a one-hour,next-to-no-cost program)can close 63 percent of the achievement gap(measured by such factors as grades)between first-generation and other students.The authors of the paper are from different universities,and their findings are based on a study involving 147 students(who completed the project)at an unnamed private university.First generation was defined as not having a parent with a four-year college degree.Most of the first-generation students(59.1 percent)were recipients of Pell Grants,a federal grant for undergraduates with financial need,while this was true only for 8.6 percent of the students with at least one parent with a four-year degree.Their thesis—that a relatively modest intervention could have a big impact—was based on the view that first-generation students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students.They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close the achievement gap.Many first-generation students“struggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education,learn the‘rules of the game,’and take advantage of college resources,”they write.And this becomes more of a problem when colleges don’t talk about the class advantages and disadvantages of different groups of students.“Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students’educational experiences,many first-generation students lack sight about why they are struggling and do not understand how students‘like them’can improve.”
The author of the research article are optimistic because____
A.the problem is solvable B.their approach is costless C.the recruiting rate has increased D.their findings appeal to students [判断题]系统停蒸汽,装置不会受到影响。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]压差式液位计利用质量守恒原理来测量液位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防救援队伍开展战术训练最明显的特点是把( )引入战术训练范畴。
A. 技术练兵 B. 体能练兵 C. 实战练兵 D. 科技练兵 [简答题]《技规》规定,集中联锁设备,在控制台(或操纵、表示分列式的表示盘及监视器)上应能监督哪些情况?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]线路非全相运行时,零序功率方向元件是否动作与( )因素有关
A.线路阻抗 B.两侧系统阻抗 C.电压互感器装设位置 D.两侧电动势差 [单选题]两路电源供电的低压线路带电工作应填用( )工作票。
A.带电作业; B.停电作业; C.倒闸作业; D.安全工作命令记录薄。 [单选题]乳化液应用()或相当于网孔0.125mm过滤器进行过滤,并设有磁过滤装置。
A.80目/in;/in;/in; B.100目 C.120目 D.150目/in E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 我来回答: 提交