Reading is a way of enjoyment, relaxation, rest or freedom from worry. These can be felt by the readers from the actual reading (36) and from the impact provided.
Reading provides the knowledge we are unable to gain from personal (37) . If we cannot travel around the (38) , we can read books (39) travel and gain information of (40) countries, people (41) their ways of life. We can also read about the (42) customs of different countries. Surely we cannot go (43) to the past, yet, by reading (44) , we can obtain knowledge of the past, something about the lives of great and famous (45) , and (46) the world it- serf.
From reading, we can (47) of new things, new methods of inventions, different methods of (48) things, different techniques of making things, etc. For example, we can learn (49) an electric cooker is invented. In cooking, we can learn how to (50) an app
A. habit
B. books
C. library
D. people
It would be of great benefit to you
remembering names.{{U}} (36) {{/U}}no one’s ability to remember names is
excellent. Yet this important skill{{U}} (37) {{/U}}you the advantage in
business and personal{{U}} (38) {{/U}}"A person’s own name is the
sweetest and most important{{U}} (39) {{/U}}. "Dale Carnegie{{U}}
(40) {{/U}}in How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is often
the{{U}} (41) {{/U}}to a friendship, a closed business or a new partner-
ship. Peter Duper, the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}of a Boston restaurant, also makes it a{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to remember names. When one of his old customers{{U}} (44) {{/U}}him to a friend named Connie recently, he made{{U}} (45) {{/U}}to thank her by{{U}} (46) {{/U}}as she left the restaurant. "From the pleasantly{{U}} (47) {{/U}}lo A. impression B. imagination C. expression D. experience [单项选择]“现实主义”在中国()之前是被称作写实主义。
A. 1919年 B. 1923年 C. 1925年 D. 1928年 [多选题]下列哪些是金属材料硬度( )。
A. 布氏 B. 维氏 C. 霍式 D. 洛氏 [单项选择]债务人根据权利人的要求,请求保险人担保自己信用的保险是()。
A. 责任保险 B. 信用保险 C. 保证保险 D. 投资保险 [单选题]固定式压力容器的主要操作参数是压力、温度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述神经肌接头兴奋的过程及机制。
[判断题]管线加油车的验收程序与罐式加油车的验收程序是一样的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]健康的人格和品德是教育的()
A. 膈 B. 迷走神经 C. 胸廓上口 D. 胸腺 E. 膈神经 [单项选择]
一些心理学家认为:一组特定的对孩子的双亲行为总是指示为接受;另一组总是指示为拒绝,因为在调查者中明显一致认为母亲的行为被作为表示双亲的态度。 A. 大多数母亲的行为被理解为或者表示接受或者表示拒绝 B. 指示接受或拒绝的母亲行为同样被父亲展示 C. 父亲对孩子的行为与母亲对孩子的行为研究得一样仔细 D. 接受和拒绝是辨识所有双亲行为的最简单方法 [单选题]促进有效沟通的行为是( )?
A.及时核对听到的信息 B.四处张望 C.看表 D.站着与卧床或躺着平车上的病人交谈 E.谈话中突然去做别的事情 [单选题]起重机上应备有灭火装置.驾驶室内应铺橡胶绝缘垫.不得存放大量易燃物品。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ 我来回答: 提交