Some people associate migration mainly with birds. Birds do travel vast distances, but mammals also migrate. An example is the caribou, reindeer that graze on the grassy slopes of northern Canada. When the weather turns cold, they travel south until spring. Their tracks are so well-worn that they are clearly visible from the air. Another migrating mammal is the Alaska fur seal. These seals breed only in the Pribilot Islands in the Bering Sea. The young are born in June and by September are strong enough to go with their mothers on a journey of over 3,000 miles. Together they swim down the Pacific Coast of North America. The females and young travel as far as southern California. The males do not journey so far. They swim only to the Gulf of Alaska. In the spring, males and females all return to the islands, and there the cycle begins again. Whales are among the grea A. people migrate like animals B. only birds migrate C. the female fur seals migrate only to the Gulf of Alaska D. not all mammals migrate [不定项选择题]王某2019年2月购入一套95平方米的住房,属于家庭唯一住房,买价300万元。10月购入一套150平方米的房产,买价500万元,11月将该套房产出租给个人居住,租金每月1万元。11月份将某上市公司股票卖出,取得股权转让书据,所载售价为8万元,随后购买了封闭式证券基金10万元。已知:当地契税税率5%,证券(股票)交易印花税税率为1‰。
王某本年需缴纳房产税( )万元。
A.0 B.0.08 C.0.24 D.15.00 [单项选择]In 2000, George Bush ______ President of the United States.
A. was elected B. elected C. was chosen the D. was made the [判断题]汽轮机正常运行中转子以高压缸前轴承座为死点,沿轴向膨胀或收缩。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于合伙人之间的关系是一种合同关系,所以合伙人可以在任何情况下,将其在合伙企业中的出资及各项权利以合同转让的方式转让给第三人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]采用外耳道触诊法验证颌位关系是为了确定()
A. 髁突是否退回生理后位 B. 垂直距离是否正常 C. 关节是否有疼痛 D. 开口型是否正常 E. 关节是否有弹响 [单项选择]应高度重视妊娠晚期出现的急性肝炎,主要因为:
A. 易合并妊娠高血压综合征及发展为子痫 B. 易发展为重型肝炎,孕产妇死亡率高 C. 易发生糖代谢异常,影响胎儿发育 D. 易发生早产,胎儿存活率降低 E. 易发生宫缩乏力,产程延长 [单项选择]fgetc函数是作为一个从指定文件读入一个字符的函数,下列有关描述正确的是( )
A. 只能读二进制文件 B. 只能读文本文件 C. 其参数是一个指针变量 D. 其参数是一个字符串 [单选题]以下信道属于上行信道的是( )。
A.PCH B.RACH C.AGCH D.BCCH [单选题]根据经评审的最低投标价法完成详细评审后,评标委员会应当拟定一份()连同书面评标报告提交招标人。
A.标价比较表 B.分项比较表 C.综合比较表 D.标价综合表 [判断题]乙脑示人畜共患的自然疫源性疾病 (1分.)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,25岁,已婚。产后恶露量少,少腹阵痛拒按,气粗喘促,不省人事,两手握拳,牙关紧闭,唇舌色紫,脉涩。其证候是
A. 气滞血瘀 B. 肝郁气闭 C. 血热瘀闭 D. 血瘀气闭 E. 肝风内动 [多项选择]当下列操作条件改变时,分离度(R)会随之改变的是( )。
A. 载气流速(v) B. 进样器温度(Tj) C. 色谱柱室温度(TC) D. 检测器温度(TD) [判断题]戒烟越早越好,什么时候戒烟都为时不晚。
[单选题]CRH380A统型动车组轴箱弹簧安装在 和转向架构架之间。
A.上枕梁 B.弯梁 C.轴箱 D.车体 我来回答: 提交