{{B}}The Body Thieves{{/B}} In the early nineteenth century in Britain, many improvements were being made in the world of medicine. Doctors and surgeons were becoming more knowledgeable about the human body. Illnesses that had been fatal a few years before were now curable. However, surgeons had one problem. They needed dead bodies to cut up, or dissect (解剖). This was the only way that they could learn about the flesh and bones inside the body, and the only way to teach new surgeons to carry out operations. The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people called "body snatchers". They went into graveyards (墓地) at night and, using wooden shovels to make less noise, dug up any recently buried bodies. Then they took the bodies to the medical schools and sold them. A body cou A. medical advancement. B. legal progress. C. social stability. D. material wealth. [单项选择]每一类货品有固定存放位置,但在各类储区内,每个货位的指派是随机的。这种方式叫______。
A. 随机储存 B. 分类储存 C. 定位储存 D. 分类随机储存 [单选题]内燃机中的曲柄滑块机构、汽车刮水器、缝纫机踏板机构、仪表指示机构等均属于( )。: ( )
A.凸轮机构 B.连杆机构 C.齿轮机构 D.间歇运动机构 [多选题]设置超高的基本要求有()。
A.保证两股钢轨受力比较均匀 B.保证旅客有一定的舒适度 C.保证行车平稳和安全 D.保证曲线有正确的轨底坡 [多选题]81.不明损耗是指( )。
A.改善功率因数 B.节约电能 C.提高供电质量 D.提高供电设备的供电能力 [单项选择]英译汉:“International Certificate of Vaccination”,正确的翻译为( )。
A. 国际健康检验证书 B. 国际预防接种证书 C. 国际消毒检验证书 D. 国际多式联运证书 [简答题]絮凝剂的成分?
[多选题]常见的收入虚增风险有( )。
A.采用以旧换新方式销售时,以新旧商品差价确认收入 B.发生在会计期间以后的销售提早确认; C.虚构发票; D.发送货物的数量多于顾客订购的数量。 E.把发送给本企业仓库的货物记录为销售。 [单选题] 计算机正常启动后,我们在屏幕上首先看到的是______ 。
A. Windows的桌面 B. 关闭Windows的对话框 C. 有关帮助的信息 D. 出错信息 [单选题]5.46.第46题相同修约间隔给出的两独立量之和或差,由修约导致的不确定度是()分布。
A.三角 B.矩形 C.正态 D.梯形 [单选题]天然气井口回收队加热炉绷绳、烟道挡板牢固,防爆门、防爆膜完好,加热炉燃烧及( )正常。
A.水位 B.油位 C.液位 [单选题]任何人发现火灾都应当立即报警,严禁( )。
A.谎报火警 B.逃避 C.施救 D.灭火 [单选题]室内施工布线主要流程( )①根据施工图纸打印套管②对所布芯线进行整理绑把稳固③施工准备,工具材料等报检④根据实际情况进行电缆规划⑤按照图纸将芯线进行导通确认,确保不缺线,不错线
A.③④①⑤② B.③①④②⑤ C.③①④⑤② D.③④①②⑤ [判断题] 背书未记载日期的,视为在汇票到期日后背书。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交