The days when the only fender a
businessman needed to stave off a midlife crisis was on the end of a Ferrari are
gone. This year he needs to dig deep and purchase the Fender Jazz Bass he
dreamed of as an acne-ridden youth. Guitars have seen a massive resurgence in
the past few years, propping up the music retail industry and overtaking the
keyboard. Sales of electric guitars have jumped 30 per cent in two years, bass
guitars 11 per cent in the past 12 months. Barry Moorhouse, whose bass and
acoustic centre, House of Guitars, has long been a Mecca for rock stars,
recognized the trend and relocated his business to Bmne Street on the edge of
the city. The wisdom of the move was evident at the new shop’s opening when
insurance brokers and IT consultants appeared at his door like disciples drawn
to a shrine. Silently they stood eyein A. Because it is the symbol of social status and taste. B. Because it helps to communicate with their children. C. Because it is a helpful way to regain their lost youth. D. Because it fulfills such people’s desire of consuming. [填空题]( )是与顾恺之同一时期的画家,也是东晋最有影响的雕塑家。他首创中国式佛像的雕塑,把脱胎漆器的工艺运用于雕塑方面,创造了夹纻形象,克服了造型尺寸增大而重量加重的矛盾。
A.一长声 B.二长声 C.一长三短声 D.连续短声 [多选题]电费计算正确与否直接关系到( )的经济效益。
A.电厂建设 B.电网建设 C.电力企业 D.电力客户 [单选题]客户持工商部门发放的( )加载统一社会信用代码新版营业执照,可正常办理账户业务。
A.一照一号 B.一照三号 C.一照一号、一照三号 D.一照一号、三照一号 [单项选择]按过滤的滤速滤池可分为:()
A. 快滤池、慢滤池 B. 虹吸滤池、无阀滤池 C. 重力式、压力式 D. 双阀滤池和四阀滤池 [判断题]发票在使用过程中如遇发票即将发完,某种面额总数少于1张时,需及时向助理值班员申领。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]带电作业工器具在运输中的注意事项有( )。
A.应装在专用工具袋、工具箱内 B.应放在绝缘斗臂车的绝缘斗内 C.应存放在专用的工具车内 D.应放在绝缘斗臂车的车厢内 [单选题]受理的举报事项经调查核实后,应当形成书面材料;需要落实整改措施的,报经()签字并督促落实。
A.有关负责人 B.公司领导 C.部门领导 D.分管领导 我来回答: 提交