Sports are enjoyed by everyone. The
most interesting sports are team sports. They are often played outside with a
ball and watched by thousands of people. Most people are interested in watching
the teams they like. They love to see them win. But even if they lose, they will
still be liked. Some interesting sports, like football and basketball, are practiced and played in all kinds of weather. When they are played in the snow or in the rain, players must be more careful because mistakes are easily made. Some games are won or lost just because the weather is bad. Tickets to important games are not easily bought. Important games are often watched by many people at home on TV, which saves them the trouble from the cold rain or snow. When imp [判断题]使用已破损、不安全的用具,如安全带、安全绳、验电笔、绝缘手套等;不是违章行为()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 根据《Q/GDW1354-2013智能电能表功能规范》规定,下列关于智能电能表电能计量功能描述正确的是(____)。
A. 具有正向、反向有功电能量和四象限无功电能量计量功能,并可以据此设置组合有功和组合无功电能量。\n B. 四象限无功电能除能分别记录、显示外,还可通过软件编程,实现组合无功1和组合无功2的计算、记录、显示。\n C. 采用各费率或各时段电能量算术加的方式计算总电能量。\n D. 具有计量分相有功电能量功能采用各分相电能量算术加的方式计算总电能量。 [单选题]编号为42036的危险货物是( )。
A.爆炸品 B.毒害品 C.一级自燃物 D.腐蚀品 [单选题]一台使用多年的250kW电动机拖动鼓风机,经变频改造运行二个月后常出现过流跳闸。故障的原因可能是( )。
A.变频器选配不当 B.变频器参数设置不当 C.变频供电的高频谐波使电机绝缘加速老化 D.负载有时过重 [单选题]患儿,女,3岁。护士为其测量血压,表明此患儿收缩压正常的测量值是
A.45mmHg B.65 mmHg C.85 mmHg D.105 mmHg E.115 mmHg [判断题]美国心理学的机能主义倾向的理论基础是实用主义和生物进化论。
[单选题]小肠分泌消化液特性是( )。
A.分泌量受交感神经控制 B.弱酸性 C.含有肠激活酶 D.含蛋白酶 E.对局部刺激反应不敏感 [多选题]电源设备维护注意事项,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.出厂前系统参数已经设置好一般不允许修改 B.必须建立完整的维护档案资料 C.测试输出绝缘时,必须先断开各路输出防雷 D.继电器电源输出端禁止摇测绝缘 我来回答: 提交