Jamaica is an island country. It is a
very beautiful and sunny place. It has green mountains and white beaches,
Jamaica has warm days all year long. It rains a lot there. When Jamaica was founded, it was called Sunda Kelapa. Indians lived in Jamaica. Then Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494 and took the island for Spain. They made Indians work for them. Later they also brought Africans to the island to work as slaves. Then the British took Jamaica in 1655. Jamaica became a free country in 1962. English became the official language in Jamaica. As the cities in Jamaica grew, more people decided to move to Jamaica. Most of them came from China or India. The people in Jamaica wear colorful clothes. They carry things in a basket on top of their heads. Like most people in other countries around the world, Jamaicans like A. With a basket on their head. B. With a box on their shoulders. C. With a basket in their hand. D. With a box by their arm. [单选题]当安全阀的背压力大于整定压力的 50%时,应选择()。
A.普通(非平衡)式安全阀 B.平衡式安全阀 C.先导式安全阀 D.带补充载荷的安全阀 [单项选择]漏斗胸提示的疾病是()
A. 胸膜肥厚粘连 B. 佝偻病 C. 肺不张 D. 肺结核 E. 肺气肿 [判断题]、在扑救医院火灾时,疏散和救助被困人员首先要实施的方法是患者利用救生器材进行自救。( )?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]将钻井现场的垃圾进行燃烧处理,可以减少环境污染。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《证券投资基金法》第十三条规定,设立基金管理公司,其主要股东应该具有从事证券经营、证券投资咨询、信托资产管理或者其他金融资产管理的较好的经营业绩和良好的社会信誉,最近3年没有违法记录,注册资本不低于3亿元人民币。( )
A. 选好一个管理者代表 B. 宣传活动搞好 C. 有一个好的咨询师 D. 领导的重视 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第12.4条规定:邻近或交叉其他电力线路的工作应设专人监护,以防误登带电线路杆塔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]哪一条不是传统针灸作用原理()
A. 通过腧穴,作用于经络、脏腑而达到防病治病的目的 B. 通过腧穴,作用于神经、血管而达到防病治病的目的 C. 通过腧穴,作用于经络以调和阴阳、扶正祛邪而达到防病治病的目的 D. 通过腧穴,调和阴阳、扶正祛邪而达到防病治病的目的 E. 通过腧穴,疏通经络、行气活血而达到防病治病的目的 [多项选择]筏形基础地下室外墙的截面设计时应考虑满足的要求有( )。
A. 变形和承载力 B. 防渗 C. 抗浮 D. 抗裂 [单项选择]原发性肝癌的肉眼分型不包括()。
A. 结节型 B. 弥漫型 C. 巨块型 D. 混合型 E. 小肝癌 [单选题]互联网技术影响了运输服务购买行为,下列各项不属于这种影响的体现的是( )。
A.购买的主动性增强 B.购买的频率大幅增加 C.购买过程更加便捷 D.购买方式更加个性化 我来回答: 提交