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Time{{/B}} Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45. But now, she can live until at least 80. One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after ourselves better. We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need. We know why we sometimes get ill and what to do to get better again. And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily. But in order that we don’t slip back into bad habits, let’s have a look at what life was like 100 years ago. F [判断题]井巷阻止空气流通的反作用力,就是矿井通风阻力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 接头螺栓孔至轨端距离、两相邻螺栓孔中心距离)允许误差为( )。
A.±1.0mm B.±2.0mm C.±0.5mm D.±4.0mm [填空题]
The Illusion of Perfection As I watch TV, images of famous, beautiful celebrities and their amazing lifestyles are drooled over. At first I find myself sharing in the admiration of these models with their skinny bodies and protruding bones. 1 Behind the pretty exterior is a lifestyle full of insecurity, eating disorder and self-harm. It’s something I shouldn’t look up to or mimic in order to be what society considers flawless. A typical morning of a teenage girl such as myself consists of painting a not so immaculate face with expensive makeup to cover up any imperfections, continuing with a strict diet in the hope of losing more weight, and dressing in clothes I don’t necessarily like in a desperate attempt to be more like the gorgeous women I see every day. 2 However, seeing the increasing problem of eating disorders, especially in the celebrity world, has opened my eyes to the importance of not succumbing to the influence of the glitter of Hollywood. Every day there are images of celebrities such as Mary Kate Olsen, Lindsay Lohan, and Nicole Richie, who are viewed as role models, even idolized, although they continue to live unhealthy. lives for the whole world to see. 3 4 Instead of being filled with self-doubt and dissatisfaction, I have come to feel the need to be full of self-confidence and pride in my individuality and appearance, regardless of the media and the way celebrities are portrayed. I feel sure that I should not allow myself to be defined by the expectations of others but rather hold fast to my own standards and convictions. I have come to realize just how much our media has become obsessed with thinness and weight loss and how I have been in danger of being affected by it as a teenage girl. 5 This is why I now try to live my life free of the constant worry to be something I’m not, and to live a healthy life. A. Such celebrities in effect promote eating disorders in young people. B. I believe in striving towards being happy with my own self-image and in resisting pressure to the world’s standards of perfection. C. However, I believe it is important for teens not to give in to media pressure. D. But then I realize what a false and sugar-coated image I am falling victim to. E. This is part of daily life. F. Falling under this spell could easily lead to serious self-image issues as well as the stress of measuring up to the all too thin role models of today. [单选题]发现危险品或国家禁止、限制运输的物品,妨碍公共卫生的物品,损坏或污染车辆的物品,按该件全部重量加倍补收( )至( )四类包裹运费。
A.乘车站、下车站 B.上车站、下车站 C.上车站、前方停车站 D.乘车站、前方停车站 [填空题]《普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准》的编号为()
[单选题]在邻边作业处,无防护设施或防护不严、不牢固,作业人员踏空失足坠落,是发生( )事故的主要原因。
A.物体打击 B.火灾 C.高处坠落 [单项选择]γ照相机分辨两个点源或线源最小距离的能力()
A. 空间分辨率 B. 能量分辨率 C. 积分均匀度 D. 微分均匀度 E. 固有均匀度 [单选题]引导接车时,列车以不超过( )km/h速度进站,并做好随时停车的准备。
A.10 B.20 C.40 D.60 [简答题]高速铁路轨道结构主要类型有________________和无砟轨道.
砟轨道具有结构稳定性和轨道平顺性高、刚度均匀性好、耐久性强、轨道几何尺寸变化小、维修工作量显著减少等优点,但工程造价高。线路稳定、平顺,有利于铺设无缝线路和高速行车。 [简答题]列举出湘鄂川黔革命根据地在与敌战斗中取胜的6次战斗。(20)
[单选题]当外汇业务发生时,对有人民币外汇汇率的外币,都直接以( )为记账单位。
A.外币 B.原币 C.外币或者原币 D.依情况而定使用何种货币 [单项选择]萨兰公司(家具生产企业)得知某工商局所建办公楼要购置一批办公桌椅,便于2004年2月1日致函工商局以每套1000元的优惠价格销售办公桌椅。工商局考虑到萨兰公司生产的家具质量可靠,便于2月2日回函订购300套桌椅,提出每套价格800元,同时要求3个月将桌椅送至工商局,验货后七日内电汇付款。萨兰公司收到函件后,于2月4日又发函工商局,同意工商局提出的订货数量,交货时间及方式、付款时间及方式,但同时提出其每套桌椅定价1000元已属优惠价格,考虑工商局所订桌椅数量较多,可以按每套桌椅900元出售。工商局2月6日发函表示同意。2月7日,萨兰公司电话告知工商局收到 2月6日函件,同时双方约定由萨兰公司负责将货物运至工商局。2月10日,萨兰公司按照约定将300套桌椅交给甲运输公司,运输公司指派司机陈某负责运输。半途中,由于陈某的过失,与另一辆大货车发生碰撞,导致部分家具毁损。根据上述案例回答下列问题:
该合同的要约为( )。 A. 2月1日萨兰公司发出的函件 B. 2月2日某工商局发出的函件 C. 2月4日萨兰公司发出的函件 D. 2月6日某工商局发出的函件 E. 2月7日萨兰公司打给工商局的电话 [判断题]按建制训练通常用于专业技术基础训练。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交