IKEA has a strong and living corporate
culture. It has grown step by step, bit by bit, along with our business idea.
Our culture and business idea are the cornerstones of our {{U}} (67)
{{/U}}. They support and {{U}} (68) {{/U}} each other. Our corporate culture helps us to {{U}} (69) {{/U}} the spirit and vitality of the early years, and to {{U}} (70) {{/U}} a feeling of belonging in a large international {{U}} (71) {{/U}} Our corporate culture is what binds us together. Our corporate culture is based on shared values -- a simple and {{U}} (72) {{/U}} lifestyle, a natural way of working and being together, without {{U}} (73) {{/U}} exaggerated respect and complicated regulations. The key words are simplicity and humility, thrift (节俭), a sense of responsibility, enthusiasm and flexibility. Perhaps the most important of A. inspect B. expect C. prospect D. suspect [单项选择]以下情形中,谈判手不会出现惊讶或者奇怪的感觉()
A. 对手言行不合逻辑 B. 谈判目标实现 C. 助手言行泄密 D. 上司言行改变 [单选题]飞行计划中所选用的飞机位置是由谁计算的:
A.FMGC的飞行引导部分 B.FMGC的飞行管理部分 C.数据管理计算机(DMC) D.MCDU [单选题]戴无菌手套正确的方法是( )
A.戴手套前,先检查手套的尺码 B.戴手套前,不必洗手 C.未戴手套的手可触及手套的外面 D.已戴好手套的手可触及手套的内面 E.戴好手套后两手应保持于胸部以上水平 [单选题] 35KV ABB配电变图纸中控制隔离开关分闸的输出口用( )标示。
A.BO01 B.BO02 C.BO03 D.BO04 [单选题]3.273. 第273题 根据《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》(建标[2013]44号),因病而按计时工资标准的一定比例支付的工资属于
( ) A.特殊情况下支付的工资 B.津贴补贴 C.医疗保险费 D.职工福利费 [单选题]人为因素故障单程票无法进站时如何处理?()
A.报告值班站长处理 B.引导乘客另行购票 C.发免费票 D.退票处理 [多选题]人力及机械牵引架线时,除应在杆塔处设监护人外,对被跨越的( )和人畜较多处均应派专人监护。
A.房屋 B.路口 C.河塘 D.裸露岩石 E.跨越架 [填空题]( )是指个体之间在稳定的心理特点上的差异,包括性格.能力或兴趣等方面的差异。
[判断题]《商业银行法》第十七条规定,商业银行的组织形式、组织机构必须符合《公司法》的有关规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]承包商可以向业主提起索赔的情形是( )。
A.监理工程师提出的工程变更造成费用的增加 B.承包商为确保质量而增加的措施费 C.分包商因返工造成费用增加、工期顺延 D.承包商自行采购材料的质量有问题造成费用增加、工期顺延 [判断题]没有调度命令,擅自改变或错办列车运行径路,按未办或错办闭塞发出列车论处。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]会计循环是指企业将一定时期发生的所有经济业务,依据一定的步骤和方法,加以记录、分类、汇总的过程。
A.肠穿孔 B.腹膜炎 C.肠梗阻 D.胆道感染 E.肝硬化 [判断题]未遂事件因为没有人员和财产损失,生产辅助单位可以不进行报告和统计分析。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]私人银行绿钻信用卡信用哪张卡采用 VENEER 贵金属进口材质( )
A.银联主卡 B.银联主卡及附属卡 C.银联主卡及外币卡主卡 D.全部卡片 [多选题]3.3自动控制系统对每一类系统被控量变化全过程提出的共同基本要求可以归结为( )。
A.稳定性 B.快速性 C.准确性 D.可靠性 (出处:《自动控制原理(第六版)》(胡寿松主编)第一章自动控制的一般概念第四节对 自动控制系统的基木要求P13〜P14) [多选题]铁路局不同意保价补偿的,受理车站应自收到铁路局不同意保价补偿的审核答复材料之日起5个工作日内,以( )或( )答复补偿要求人,同时将全部保价补偿材料复印留存后退还该要求人,收回补偿要求书收据存档。
A.正式文件 B.客户通知书 C.货物损失查复书 D.盖有公章的函件 [判断题]根据可逆变换反应式CO+H2O CO2+H2,反应前后气体体积不变,则增加压力对该反应平衡无影响,因此变换反应过程应在常压下进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modem life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops and factories are discovering the greater efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the" typical" Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature’’ comforts and ease of life. What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality.
Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that" assembly line life" will lead to t
A. Shorter lunch hour. B. Greater output. C. Creature comforts. D. Leisurely cafe talk. [简答题]试述信息系统评价的三阶段的具体内容。
A. 理中丸 B. 肾气丸 C. 苓甘五味姜辛汤 D. 甘草干姜汤 E. 麦门冬汤 [单选题]下列器官或组织,大鼠没有的是 ______。 ( )
A.胆囊 B.胸腺 C.汗腺 D.胰腺 [单选题]东汉许慎《说文解字》说:“仓颉之初作书,盖依类象形。”如果________“圣人造书”的神秘观念不论,这种认为书法源于象形的说法是有一定依据的。它指出书法是从现实生活中________形体的。但如果认为“象形”就是书法的审美本质,那就失于________了。书法是无形与有形,不象形与象形的统一,抽象与具象的统一。
A.除却 模仿 形象 B.摒弃 取得 单一 C.除去 创造 简单 D.撇开 获得 片面 我来回答: 提交