Washington March 15 - The
administration of President Carl Arling today predicted another six months of
slow GNP growth and rising inflation. Chief economic advisor to the president, Walter Abel, told a news conference that in- creased foreign competition, rising prices for raw materials, and high interest rates would hold economic growth to less than 3% for the year with inflation rising above 7%. Abel said, however, that administration programs to restructure the economy would begin bearing fruit toward the end of the year and that growth in the gross national product would turn sharply upwards in the last quarter. He also said that the administration of President Arling was determined to increase investment in high technology industries, upgrade aging plant equipment in heavy industry, and encourage workers to increase productivity.< [单项选择]It is true that electricity has been found world-wide application since it was discovered.
A. 电自从被发现以来就已得到世界上广泛的申请,这点毫无疑问。 B. 事实上,电自从被发现以来已经得到全世界范围的应用。 C. 电自从被发现以来已经得到全世界范围的应用,这一点是正确的。 D. 事实上,电一被发现就已在全世界范围内得到了广泛应用。 [单项选择]火山:岩浆( )
A. 小麦:面包 B. 汽车:尾气 C. 海洋:岛屿 D. 地下水:喷泉 [简答题]档案文献编纂的选题依据是什么?
A. 与系统频率成反比 B. 与系统频率无关 C. 与系统频率成正比 [单选题]【单选题】带电作业绝缘工具电气预防性试验中,工频耐压试验以( )为合格。
A.无击穿、无闪络及过热 B. 无击穿、无闪络 C. 无击穿、无过热 D. 无闪络、无过热 [单选题]初级消防员衔级比例按照。()
A.0.57 B.0.48 C.0.36 D.0.55 [单项选择]内雕水晶指甲的制作过程中,在水晶指甲底色上雕塑内雕水晶造型完毕后,用水晶笔将适量透明水晶甲酯涂抹覆盖至()。
A. 指甲表面1/2 B. 整个指甲表面 C. 指甲表面2/3 D. 指甲表面4/5 [多项选择]条件反射的形成过程包括()。
A. 无条件反射 B. 无条件反应 C. 条件刺激 D. 条件反应 E. 中性刺激 [单项选择]Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is a technological standard for wireless mobile broadband networks. LTE will make the use of the latest technologies. Orthogonal ______ Division Multiple Access ( a technology well suited to achieving high peak data rates in high-spectrum bandwidths) will be used on the downlink. On the uplink, LTE will use ______ Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access, which offers advantages in power ______ and terminal battery life as compared to technologies used today. The latest antenna technologies will also be used, such as ______ , which employs multiple transmit and receive antennas. This results in numerous data paths effectively operating in ______ and-through appropriate coding/decoding-significant throughput gains.
A. UWB B. MIMO C. ASON D. SCDMA [单选题]浸出用六号溶剂属 爆炸性物质。( )
A.II类B级T3组 B.I类A级T3组 C.III类C级T3组 D.II类A级T3组 [单项选择]我国制定2010年远景规划的依据是( )。
A. 现实的可能性 B. 好的可能性 C. 抽象的可能性 D. 现实性 [单项选择]药学信息应该紧密联系临床,它的服务体现了
A. 广 B. 博 C. 精 D. 快 E. 真 [判断题]车站在事件发生 3 分钟内将信息报区域站管理岗人员,由区域站管理人员报至处室应急信息发布群内。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]波形补偿器适用于()的管道上。
A. 管道之间联接 B. 装置内设备与管道之间联接 C. 装置内设备之间联接 D. 管径大于150mm E. 压力低于0.6MPa [多选题] 多元化纠纷解决机制包括:( )。
A.调解 B.仲裁 C.行政裁决 D.行政复议、诉讼 [单选题]关于施工现场栈桥和栈桥码头的说法,错误的是()。
A.船舶不得靠泊 B.非施工车辆不得进入 C.应设专人管理 D.非施工不得进入 [单项选择]
A. 0 0 B. 12 30 C. 45 15 D. 无任何输出 我来回答: 提交