As Texas begins to recover from two
weeks of devastating storms, a generally hidden truth about its economy will
come to light again. Most of the builders and electricians who will have to
repair the houses, remake the roads and re-establish the electrical power lines
will have to take on undocumented workers in order to meet their contracts. In
1996 the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS) conservatively estimated
that Texas had over 600,000 undocumented immigrants doing the jobs no one else
wants: hauling carcasses in packing plants, picking fruit, cleaning hotel rooms,
or sorting out the unspeakable damage caused by natural disasters. Mention the issue of these workers to a Texan, and he is liable to fall uncharacteristically silent. Even state legislators avoid the issue. They know that many of their constituents e A. hard-working but costly B. lazy but cheap C. hard-working and ambitious D. hard-working and cheap [单选题]【单选】集团公司()组织开展任职准入培训。
A.每月 B.每季度 C.每半年 D.每年 [多选题]竣工投运前的验收,试验结束后及时将试验电源( ),并对容性被试设备进行充分的( )后,方可拆除( )。
A. 断开 B. 放电 C. 试验接线 D. 接地线 [多项选择]登革出血热的主要临床特征是()
A. 出血 B. 休克 C. 皮疹 D. 淋巴结肿大 E. 发热 [单项选择]好奇心的消极意义可能显示为()等等。
A. 总在三思后行而又思,总是一诺千斤不践诺 B. 真实诚信、与人为善、平等待人、健康向上 C. 乐观向上,追求自我学习,向往淡泊明志、宁静致远的境界 D. 探头探脑、疑神疑鬼,总喜欢打听、打探、闲聊、扯淡、饶舌、闲言碎语、道听途说 [多项选择]简报由报头、正文、报尾三部分组成,以下各项中属于报头构成要素的是:
A. 按语 B. 印发日期 C. 编报单位 D. 供稿者名称 [单选题] 体能训练必须遵循运动规律,坚持( )的原则,科学组织,不得急于求成。
A.稳中求进 B.循序渐进 C.逐步推进 D.安全第一 [多选题]监控装置对哪些设备进行监控?
A.直流电源 B.保护装置 C.蓄电池 D.配电馈出 [单项选择]MHc-Ⅰ类分子主要分布于 ()
A. 红细胞 B. 白细胞 C. 淋巴细胞 D. 巨噬细胞 E. 有核细胞 [判断题]电路的连接有串联、并联和混联三种形式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]应停车的客运列车在区间乘降所错误通过,定()责任。
[判断题]超速保护不能可靠动作时,机组可以监视启动和运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交