The Department of Homeland Security has
filled the nation’s top cyber-security post after the previous chief abruptly
resigned last week in a move that raised questions about the Bush
administration’s commitment to protecting U. S. computer networks from
electronic threats. Andy Purdy, who served as deputy cyber-security director
under former National Cyber Security Division head and security industry
entrepreneur Amit Yoran, will act as interim director, according to an email
written by Robert P. Liscouski, the department’s head of infrastructure
protection. Purdy has been a member of the cyber-security division since it was set up in 2003, and was the vice chairman and senior adviser on information technology issues for the President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. Purdy declined an inter A. he failed to protect US computer networks from electronic threats B. he criticized the Bush administration’s national cyber-security plan C. his position as director of the cyber-security division lacked authority D. his co-status as security industry entrepreneur undermined his authority [单选题][T]A-B-001 4 2 3
设定继电保护测试仪A电流端子电流为( )倍整定值,启动测试,保护装置可靠不动作。 A.0.1 B.1 C.0.975 D.0.5 [多选题]运营单位应根据车站规模、客流特点、设备设施布局、岗位设置等,制定( )、( )、( )及( )的车站客运组织方案与应急预案。
A.工作日 B.节假日 C.重要活动 D.突发事件 [判断题]一台高压电机需检修,安全措施要求将电机断路器拉至检修位置,并在断路器柜门挂“禁止合闸,有人工作”标示牌,是否正确?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]新车在行驶2500公里磨合期后必须对()进行保养,以后每行驶10000公里需及时(),同时清洗或更换油罐中的滤芯。
[单选题]同步发电机的转子绕组中( )产生磁场
A.通入直流电; B.通入交流电; C.感应产生电流; D.感应产生电压。 我来回答: 提交