A judge flunks Cleveland’s use of
vouchers for parochial schools. But will that stall the movement Walter Milancuk’s public-school horror story began early, when his sun Derrick spent kindergarten in an overcrowded roomful of students who regularly fought in class and cursed the teacher. Milancuk wanted to transfer Derrick, but his salary as a forklift driver couldn’t cover private-school tuition. Yet Milancuk found a way out, thanks to Cleveland’s pioneering school-voucher program, which granted him close to $1,500 in state funds to help enroll Derrick at St. Stanislaus, a nearby Catholic school. Now Derrick wears a crisp uniform. His reading has improved. And the weekly Mass and Bible study have moved Derrick to say his daily prayers without prompting. Says his dad, "The school is really building hi A. Parents do not have a choice when they send their children to religious schools. B. The judge’s ruling is helpful in building better public schools. C. Teaching religious stuff in schools is a violation of the Constitution. D. Teachers of public schools do not welcome the idea of voucher program. [多选题]( )信号机不能使用时,应开放引导信号。
A.进站 B.接车进路 C.出站 D.调车 E.复示 [多选题]编制项目管理目标责任书的依据包括( )。
A.项目合同文件 B.项目管理规划大纲 C.组织的管理制度 D.组织的经营方针和目标 E.组织与项目经理部之间的责任、权限和利益分配办法 [单项选择]有线电视系统应采用单相220v50Hz交流电源供电,电源配电箱内、宜根据需要安装()。
A. 漏电保护器 [判断题]预备役部队是指国家平时保持的,以预备役人员为基础、以现役军人为骨干,按规定的体制编制组成的部队。
A. 肌力训练 B. 直立位适应性训练 C. 站立训练 D. 平衡功能训练 E. 平行杠内行走训练 [多选题]高温高压的介质在化工生产中经常遇到,仪表的安装要尽可能远离( )。
A.各种工艺设备 B.高温工艺设备 C.高温工艺管道 D.各种工艺管道 [判断题]SF6气体湿度带电检测的人员应具有相关的工作经验,熟悉并严格遵守电力生产和工作现场的相关安全管理规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在整治线路冻害作业时,冻害回落时,直线上先撤较少的一股钢轨,曲线则必须先撤里股。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工业4.0被认为是以( )为核心的第四次工业革命,其深度融合计算、通信以及控制技术,有效实现柔性生产线的实时感知、实时控制以及信息实时存储。
A.自动化系统技术 B.信息化技术 C.信息物理系统(CPS)技术 D.先进制造技术 [多项选择]关于急性胆囊炎,正确的是
A. 一般有寒战 B. 持续右上腹痛 C. 只有少数病人出现黄疸 D. 不少病人在活动后发病 E. 有时在夜间发作 [填空题] 计算并填写下表