Imagine going to your doctor with a
complaint of frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad and writes
a word on it. The word isn’t "aspirin", it’s "Mozart". Many kinds of music can stir the imagination and produce strong feeling. For some people, romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance feelings of love and compassion. Religious and spiritual music can help some people feel peace or lessen their pain. But one musician seems to have a unique ability to heal the human body—Mozart. Scientists have found Mozart’s music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. It can also increase their perception, and help them express themselves more clearly. Many amazing cases have been documented using Mozart as a healing aid.For example, a tiny premature baby (早产婴儿) named Krissy, who weighed just A. arouse strong feelings B. lessen traffic jams C. make a person imaginative D. help improve a person’s expressive ability [填空题]耳垂血比手指血或静脉血()
Hardship did not end with freedom. There were (1) regional variation in both the status and (2) of free blacks during that period. Free blacks in the north were excluded from most public schools, (3) from interstate travel, barred from voting in many states, and often attacked by (4) whites. Finding a(n) (5) job in the North was extremely difficult. Jobs (6) to free blacks were limited (7) domestic service and farming. (8) , the jobs that were available to free blacks were found (9) in urban cities, such as Boston, Philadelphia, and New York. (10) a time when less than 20 percent of all Americans (11) in urban areas, 60 percent of Northern free blacks lived in major urban cities. [简答题]什么叫断路器自由脱扣?
A.60% B.70% C.80% D.90% [单选题]铁路旅客信用信息记录期限,自失信行为发生之日起一般为( ) 年;超过的,应当予以删除。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]为确保建设工程进度控制目标的实现,监理工程师必须认真制定进度控制措施。进度控制的技术措施主要有()。
A. 对应急赶工给予优厚的赶工费用 B. 建立图纸审查、工程变更和设计变更管理制度 C. 审查承包商提交的进度计划,使承包商能在合理的状态下施工 D. 推行CM承发包模式,并协调合同工期与进度计划之间的关系 [判断题]雷电时,可以就地倒闸操作和更换熔丝。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]接触网导线结冰受电弓取流不畅时,限速160 km/h 及以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]金融机构根据()方法,决定采取客户尽职调查措施的程度
A.合规方法 B.风险为本方法 C.合规与风险并重 D.风险测试方法 [判断题]06GG003478 装了并联电容器,发电机可以少发无功。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]柱模板的底部开有清理孔,沿高度每隔2.0m设有浇筑孔。( )
[单项选择]下列哪项不引起左心缘第二弓(肺动脉段)凹陷的是( )
A. 肺动脉狭窄 B. 三尖瓣闭锁 C. 单一主动脉干 D. 法洛四联征 E. 大血管移位 [判断题]由于国家机关和国家工作人员侵犯公民权利而受到损失的人,有依照法律规定取得赔偿的权利。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]魏某于 3 月 1 日下午在小区超市购物时突然倒地。超市立即将魏某送至附近医院,但经 抢救无效死亡。经鉴定,魏某心血管狭窄,属急性心力衰竭死亡。家属调查后发现魏某是在与 另一名顾客孙某发生激烈争执后倒地。对此,下列判断正确的是:
A.孙某成立过失致人死亡罪 B.孙某与魏某的死亡之间有因果关系 C.超市管理人员未能及时制止争执导致魏某的死亡应承担责任 D.魏某的死亡应由魏某、超市、孙某各承担部分责任 [单项选择]男性,24岁,因时有酱油色尿来就诊,检查:红细胞形态正常,血红蛋白86g/L,网织红细胞4.2%;Coombs试验阴性,酸化血清试验阳性,冷热溶血试验阴性。本例应诊断为()。
A. 运动性血红蛋白尿 B. 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 C. 阵发性寒冷性血红蛋白尿 D. 冷凝集素血症 E. PNH [多选题]涉疫勤务洗消药剂的种类有( )
A. 75%酒精 B. 含氯消毒剂 C. 过氧化物消毒剂 D. 清水 [单选题]162.焊接切割设备保护接零的具体做法是用一根导线( )。
A.一端接零线,一端接焊机外壳 B.端接地,一端接焊机外壳 C.一端接地,一端接零 D.一端接地,一端空载 [单选题]工作票应由()审核,手工或电子签发后方可执行
A.A-工作负责人 B.B-工作许可人 C.C-工作票签发人 D.D-工作监护人 [判断题]因承运人责任,将货物误运到站或误交付,承运人应编制货运记录将货物运到正当到站交给收货人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]火场警戒力量,一般由( )等组成。
A.消防人员 B.属地民警 C.交巡警 D.武警 E.事故单位的保安人员 [判断题]轨道电路就是把线路上的两股钢轨当做在线用绝缘接头隔开( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车辆全长是指车辆两端车钩处于开锁位时,两钩舌内侧面之间的距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交