One thing the tour books don’t tell you
about London is that 2,000 of its residents are foxes. As native as the royal
family, they fled the city about centuries ago after developers and pollution
moved in. But now that the environment is cleaner, the foxes have come home, one
of the many wild animals that have moved into urban areas around the
world. "The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing," says Gomer Jones, president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife, in Columbia, Maryland. A survey of the wildlife in New York’s Central Park last year tallied the species of mammals, including muskrats, shrews and flying squirrels. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species. One of the country’s largest populations of raccoons(浣熊) now lives in Washington D.C., and moose(驼鹿) A. explain their living habit B. make known their habitat C. show the endeavors of Londoners to make the city habitable for wildlife D. encourage volunteers to do something for the species [判断题] 每次探放水要在设计停掘位置前 20m 下发停掘探水通知书,留足不少于 20m 的超前距。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]熔断器的额定电压等级既是绝缘允许的电压等级,又是熔断器允许的灭弧电压等级。
A. 对 B. 错 [判断题]连续纹样的特点是纹样的连续性,是以一个或者多个不同的单元反复排列接续而成的。
A. 查明司机与门店当面点货时是否少货 B. 若司机与门店当面点货时发现少货,则进行记录,不必打差异单 C. 若未少货,询问退货组是否少出 D. 若少出,则补做单,若未少出,则回复门店出货时数量正确 [判断题]调度自动化系统异常时,未执行的倒闸操作应暂时中止。(0.5分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]FOB的变形是用来说明()由谁负担
A. 报关费用 B. 装船费用 C. 运输费用 D. 卸货费用 [判断题]临海水域救援专业队,可利用摩托艇快速营救近海礁石遇险人员,以及转移搁浅船舶上的被困群众。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列疔疮,容易损筋伤骨的是
A.烂疔 B.红丝疔 C.颜面疔 D.疫疔 E.手足疔 我来回答: 提交